Télécharger Yaosm 3.2
Fichier : Yaosm_3.2.7z Taille : 0.115Mo Description :
Firmware pour microcontrolleur. Fichier HEX fourni pour les PICs suivant: 12F629/12F675 12F635 12F683 16F627/16F627A 16F628/16F628A 16F648A 16F630/16F676 16F636/16F639 16F684 16F87/16F88 Spécifications: - Supports DMS/D2A/D2B chipsets (It does NOT support D2C) - Wii originals - Wii original imports* - Wii backups - Wii backup imports* - Gamecube originals - Gamecube original imports** - Gamecube backups - Gamecube backup imports** - Gamecube homebrew - All medias DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD+R DL/DVD-R DL (no bitsetting required) - Dual Layer support - Configurable speed setting (default and alternate) - Automatic region detection - Stealth (well, at least as much "stealth" as any other Wii modchip currently available) - "Safe" Configuration disc - Optional status LED - Optional disable switch (solder wire to reset switch) - GameID overriding for some GameID's that was blocked by firmware 3.0*** - Support for Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gamecube audiofix (4 different configurations) - DVD upgradeable - Recovery mode in case of a failed upgrade (See Q&A section for details) Site officiel Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 0 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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