Télécharger SD-Boot v0.4 RC1
Fichier : sd-boot-0.4-RC1.7z Taille : 0.598Mo Description :
Emu_Kidid viens tout juste de sortir la tant attendue version de SDBoot. Cet utilitaire vous permettra de lancer vos programmes homebrew ainsi que vos copies de sauvegardes via SDgecko. Utilisation : - Mettre les fichiers .GCM dans un dossier nommé GCGAMES à la racine de la carte SD. - Lancez le .dol de la manière dont vous voulez - Insérez la carte SD dans le SDGecko puis dans le slot A ou B - Sélectionnez un fichier et jouez ! Compatibilité : Voir ici : http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/SD-Boot_compatibility_list RC1 : Ajout de paramètres, augmentation de la compatibilité, compatibilité SDHC etc. SD-Boot version 0.4 beta 8 todo: - fix dol-101, 2gb sd cards, speed, compatibility whatsnew: - Adjustable audio jitter correction.. the smaller you set it, the more it'll stop audio. - Disabled Interrupt mode (Fixes alot of games, breaks alot too, use it for Metroid Prime 2) - Added the Ability to run games with the laser/disc stopped (breaks some games) whatsnew 0.4 beta 7: - Attempt at removing "buzzing" sound from games (revised) whatsnew 0.4 beta 6: - finished proper video mode forcing (this is as much as can be done, whether or not it runs depends on how each game times things) whatsnew 0.4 beta 5: - beta GUI - unfinished video mode support - beta DOL booting support - pre-patcher version 2 included todo: - fix up in-game code - add disc ripper code in - make it a little more idiot proof issues: (I'm working on them along with the rest) - I am aware that the compatibility is better on the 06/08 drives - The screen is slightly cut off in NTSC/PAL60 modes Les différentes options : Code : Force Video Mode Force the in-game video mode to what you desire to use, available modes are PAL 50Hz, 60Hz, NTSC 60Hz and Progressive 480p (Requires component cable). Audio stutter fix The audio in certain backups may stutter due to frequent SD card reads. Turning this option to “On” will make SD-Boot disable audio while it performs its reads to avoid “buzzing” sounds produced from delayed audio lingering on the DSP. Interrupt wait fix Certain games can benefit from this option to produce smoother load times, however this option can render some backups from booting at all or crashing at random areas. Use High Memory SD-Boot by default places its resident code at the reserved area at 0x80001800 in main RAM. If you find a backup which cannot boot at all, it might be that it's clearing this area, so you may enable this option to place SD-Boot resident code up above the stack. Two Disc This option is currently still Work-In-Progress and does not work. ![]() Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 52 commentaires Pages: 1 2 Messages:
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