Télécharger WiiColEm 0.2

556WiiColEm 0.207/03/11 à 18:35:12Emulateur1026828
Fichier : wiicolem_v0.2.7z
Taille : 2.237Mo 
Description :

Périphériques :
2 Wiimotes Nunchuck Wii Classic Controller Manette GameCube Charge les fichiers du SLOT SD en façade Charge les fichiers du SLOT SD en façade, SDHC supporté USB mass storage device


WiiColEm par Raz0red est un émulateur ColecoVision.
Plus exactement, c'est un portage de Colem version 2.5.2 par Marat Fayzullin.

Version 0.2
- Cartridge-specific overlays
- Default keypad (controller) image for cartridges without specific overlays
o Ability to set the default keypad (controller) size
- Ability to specify whether to use cartridge-specific overlays (global and per-cartridge).
- GX based scaler
o Ability to adjust screen size to any size/dimensions via the "Screen Size" option under "Display". If this is entered after loading a cartridge, the last frame will be displayed to assist in sizing.
- USB support
- SDHC support
- Classic Controller Pro support
- Support for ColecoVision MegaCart(R)
- Fixed Lord of the Dungeon save/load state issues
- Fixed Opcode memory expansion save/load state issues
- Fixed save/load state bug causing the palette to not be restored correctly (Aquattack, War Room)
- Ability to set Wiimote orientation (sideways/upright) for navigating menus
- Firing in Aquattack is now supported via the right analog stick (GameCube, Classic/Pro controllers).
- Fixed bugs caused by pressing multiple keypad buttons simultaneously

Version 0.1
- Initial release

image image

http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiColEm Source : http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiColEm
http://www.twitchasylum.com/ Site officiel : http://www.twitchasylum.com/

Télécharger Télécharger WiiColEm 0.2
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