Télécharger ScummVM 1.8.0 git 743-gb6a0f77

57ScummVM 1.8.0 git 743-gb6a0f7715/09/14 à 13:34:15Emulateur119120159
Fichier : wii-master-b6a0f77e.7z
Taille : 9.996Mo 
Description :


1 Wiimote Manette GameCube Charge les fichiers du SLOT SD en façade Charge les fichiers du SLOT SD en façade, SDHC supporté


Voici le célèbre émulateur multi plate formes ScummVM dans sa version pour Wii.


Version 1.8.0 beta git
Voir les changements ici : https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/commits

Version 1.7.0 (2014-07-21)
New Games:
- Added support for Chivalry is Not Dead.
- Added support for Return to Ringworld.
- Added support for The Neverhood.
- Added support for Mortville Manor.
- Added support for Voyeur.

- Updated Munt MT-32 emulation code to version 1.3.0.
- Switched from our custom JPEG and PNG decoders to libjpeg(-turbo) and
libpng, which are faster and can handle more images.
(NOTE: The change to libpng was done in version 1.6.0, but it was not
added to the NEWS file).
- Added generic OpenGL (ES) output (based on GSoC Task).
- The GUI can now be rendered in 32-bits.
- The build system has been changed to be more modular and easier to add new

- Added OpenGL graphics mode based on our generic OpenGL output. This
allows for arbitrary output sizes. However, it does not support special
filters like AdvMAME, HQ, etc.

- Added mouse wheel support for inventory and save game lists.
- Enabled verb name display in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed the Feeble Files loyalty rating in the English 4CD version. (This
was apparently a bug in the original game. It is currently unknown if
other versions still have the same problem.)

Broken Sword 1:
- Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.

Broken Sword 2:
- Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.

- Added an option to enable "Color Blind Mode" to the ScummVM GUI.

- Improved video quality in Urban Runner.

- Added an option to toggle "Gore Mode" from the ScummVM GUI.
- Fixed bug that could cause the music to stop prematurely.

- Fixed several rare crashes and glitches.
- Fixed multiple bugs carried over from the original binary.

- Added support for the more detailed RAVE lip syncing data in the Windows
version of King's Quest 6. Portraits should now be much more expressive
when talking.
- Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions
of Laura Bow 2 and King's Quest 6 (toggled either in-game with the new
"Dual" audio state, or via the ScummVM audio options).
- Fixed music fading.
- Fixed several script bugs in Camelot, Crazy Nick's, Hoyle 3, QFG1VGA, KQ5,
KQ6, LB2, LSL2, LSL5, Pharkas, PQ1VGA, SQ4, SQ5.
- Improved the MIDI parser so that music event processing is done more

- Changed the saved game naming scheme of HE games to always contain
the target name.
- Fixed having multiple coaches in Backyard Football.
- Improved AdLib support for Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
This makes sound effects like, for example, the typewriter and waterfall
in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade sound like in the original.
- Added support for the Steam versions of Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom and The Dig. Both
the Windows and the Macintosh versions are supported.

- Savegames in Tony Tough now work on big-endian systems.

- Discworld 1 and 2 no longer crash on big-endian systems.

Android port:
- Added experimental support for the OUYA console.

PS2 port:
- Added configurable TV modes: NTSC and PAL.
- Added configurable graphics modes: SDTV progressive, SDTV interlaced, EDTV
progressive and VESA.
- Added a configuration option for the HDD partition used.
- Added a configuration option for the IP address used.
- Added a configuration option to toggle USB mass storage.

Tizen port:
- The BADA port has been merged/updated into Tizen.

Version 1.6.0 (2013-05-31)
New Games:
- Added support for 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon.
- Added support for Hopkins FBI.
- Added support for Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths.
- Added support for The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime.
- Added support for the Macintosh version of Discworld 1.

- Added a new save/load chooser based on a grid of thumbnails. This is only
supported for resolutions bigger than 640x400. The old chooser is still
available and used for games without thumbnail support. It is possible to
select the old one as default too.
- Rewrote VideoDecoder subsystem.
- Added Galician translation.
- Added Finnish translation.
- Added Belarusian translation.
- Using the mouse wheel on a slider widget now changes the value by the
smallest possible amount. This is more predictable than the old behaviour,
which was to change the value by "one pixel" which would sometimes not
change it at all.
- Updated MT-32 emulation code to latest munt project snapshot.
- Added FluidSynth settings dialog, mainly for reverb and chorus settings.
- Fixed crash on certain Smacker movies.

- Improved audio support for Amiga and AtariST versions of Future Wars.
Now music fades out slowly instead of stopping immediately. Sound
effects are now properly panned, when requested by the game.

- Soltys contains a puzzle requiring the ALT key to be pressed while clicking
on an object. This puzzle has been disabled on devices not using this key.

- Resolved multiple UI issues with the original save/load screen.
- Added advanced savegame functionality, including savegame timestamps and
thumbnails and the ability to load and delete savegames from the launcher.
It's now possible to use the ScummvM save/load dialogs.
- The F7 key (previously unmapped) now always shows the ScummVM load screen.
The F10 key displays either the original save/load screen, or the ScummVM
save screen, if the user has selected to use the ScummVM save/load

- Now that the game is freeware, there is a small extra help text showing
the available commands in the in-game terminals when the player uses the
'help' command. Previously, players needed to consult the manual for the
available commands. Since this reference to the manual is a form of copy
protection, this extra line can be toggled by the ScummVM copy protection
command line option.

- Simplified the movie speed options, and added a custom option for The 7th
Guest. Movie options are now "normal" and "fast", with the latter changing
the movie speed in T7G to match the faster movie speed of the iOS version.
The game entry might need to be readded in the launcher for the new setting
to appear.

- Added music support for the Macintosh version of I Have No Mouth and, I
Must Scream.

- Implemented Monkey Island 2 Macintosh's audio driver. Now we properly
support its sample based audio output. The same output is also used for
the m68k Macintosh version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
- Improved music support for the Macintosh version of Monkey Island 1. It
now uses the original instruments, rather than approximating them with
General MIDI instruments, and should sound a lot closer to the original.
- Added sound and music support for the Macintosh version of Loom.
- Handle double-clicking in the Macintosh version of Loom.
- Major bugfixes in INSANE (the Full Throttle bike fights).

- Added support for Enhanced Music by James Woodcock

Version 1.5.0
New Games:
- Added support for Backyard Baseball 2003.
- Added support for Blue Force.
- Added support for Darby the Dragon.
- Added support for Dreamweb.
- Added support for Geisha.
- Added support for Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon.
- Added support for Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story.
- Added support for Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood
- Added support for Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage.
- Added support for Soltys.
- Added support for The Princess and the Crab.

- Updated MT-32 emulation code to latest munt project snapshot. The emulation
improved dramatically.
- Implemented support for TrueType fonts via FreeType2 in our GUI. Along
with it GNU FreeFont was also added to our modern theme. Note that not all
ports take advantage of this.
- Added Basque translation.
- Added custom game and engine options in the AGI, DREAMWEB, KYRA, QUEEN,
SKY and SCI engines. It is now possible to toggle these options via the
Engine tab when adding or editing a configuration for a game. In most
cases, you will have to run each game once or readd them all in ScummVM's
launcher in order to get the custom options tab.
- Improved predictive dialog look.
- Various GUI improvements.

Broken Sword 1:
- Fixed incorrect sound effects in the DOS/Windows demo.
- Added support for PlayStation videos.
- Fixed missing subtitles in the demo.

Broken Sword 2:
- Added support for PlayStation videos.

- Implemented Roland MT-32 output driver.

- Added Spanish subtitles in the Von Braun cutscene (#3069981: no subtitles
in scene with "von Braun").

- Fixed a crash in Lost in Time
- Rewrote the AdLib player. Enabled the now working MDY player in
Fascination and Geisha.

- Added support for the Macintosh version of SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard.
- Added a difficulty selection dialog for Loom FM-TOWNS.
- Fixed graphical glitches in HE98 version of Pajama Sam's Lost & Found.

iPhone port:
- Changed "F5 (menu)" gesture to open up the global main menu instead.
- Added support for custom cursor palettes, this makes the moderm theme use
the red pointer cursor for example.
- Added aspect ratio correction feature.
- Implemented 16 bits per pixel support for games.

Maemo port:
- Added support for Nokia 770 running OS2008 HE.
- Added configurable keymap.

Windows port:
- Changed default savegames location for Windows NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7.
(The migration batch file can be used to copy savegames from the old
default location, to the new default location).

Version 1.4.1
- Fixed loading videos directly from InstallShield cabinets in the Windows
version of the The Feeble Files.

- Added support for Enhanced Music by James Woodcock

Broken Sword 2:
- Slight graphics improvement for PSX version.

- Fixed bug in the original Lands of Lore GUI which made ScummVM error out
in the case the user did not have a contiguous save slot usage.
- Add support for original DOS Lands of Lore save files (also applies to save
files made with the GOG release).

- Fixed race condition in SCI1.1 palette changes. This fixes an error in
QFG1VGA, when sleeping at Erana's place.
- The option to toggle sound effect types between digitized and synthesized
has been disabled until a more user-friendly GUI option is possible.
Digital sound effects are always preferred for now.
- Fixed a case where starting a new song didn't fully reset its channels,
thus some notes sounded wrong.

Version 1.4.0
New Games:
- Added support for Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos.
- Added support for Blue's Birthday Adventure.
- Added support for Ringworld: Revenge Of The Patriarch.
- Added support for the Amiga version of Conquests of the Longbow.

New Ports:
- Added PlayStation 3 port.

- Fixed the ARM assembly routine for reverse stereo audio.
- Added support for building with MacPorts out of the box.

- Implemented sound support for the DOS version of Winnie the Pooh in the
Hundred Acre Wood.

- Implemented support for loading data directly from InstallShield
cabinets in The Feeble Files and Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack.
- Fixed loading and saving in the PC version of Waxworks.
- Fixed music in the PC versions of Elvira 1/2 and Waxworks.

- Added support for the iOS version of The 7th Guest.

- Fixed crash when trying to talk and ask something at the same time.

- Added better handling of digital vs. synthesized sound effects. If the
"Mixed Adlib / MIDI mode" checkbox is checked, the engine will prefer
digital sound effects, otherwise their synthesized counterparts will be
preferred instead, if both versions of the same effect exist.

- Implemented PC Speaker support for SCUMM v5 games.
- Fixed priority bug in iMuse. As a result the AdLib music should sound
better, since important notes are not interrupted anymore.
- Implemented CMS support for Loom, The Secret of Monkey Island and
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
- Improved palette handling for the Amiga version of Indiana Jones and the
Fate of Atlantis.

Broken Sword 1:
- Fix freeze in Windows demo.
- Fix crash when using cutscene subtitles pack with the Macintosh version.

- Fixed deleting saved games from the list of saved games (from the launcher
and the in-game ScummVM menu).
- The US version of Discworld II now shows the correct title screen and
language flag.

Android port:
- Fixed plugins on Android 3.x.
- Moved the default saved game location to the SD card.

Version 1.3.1
- Improved audio device detection and fallback.
There should be no more silent errors due to invalid audio devices.
Instead ScummVM should pick up a suitable alternative device.
- Added detection entries for more variants of some Living Books
- Fixed a regression that made Discworld uncompletable.
- Fixed a regression in Inherit the Earth's dragon walk code which
was causing crashes there.
- Fixed a regression causing various crashes in I Have No Mouth and
I Must Scream.
- Added detection entries for some Macintosh game versions.
- Audio settings are now stored correctly for the CD version of EcoQuest 1.
- Fixed graphics bug in FM-TOWNS versions of games on ARM devices
(Android, iPhone, etc.).

Version 1.3.0
New Games:
- Added support for Backyard Baseball.
- Added support for Backyard Baseball 2001.
- Added support for Urban Runner.
- Added support for Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle.
- Added support for Toonstruck.
- Added support for Living Books v1 and v2 games.
- Added support for Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2: Whodunit?
and Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom.
- Added support for Amiga SCI games (except Conquests of the Longbow).
- Added support for Macintosh SCI1 games.

New Ports:
- Added WebOS port.

- Added support for loadable modules on platforms without a dynamic
loader (GSoC Task).
- Added Danish translation.
- Added Norwegian Bokmaal translation.
- Added Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
- Added Swedish translation.
- Added Debug Console to Cine, Draci, Gob, MADE, Sword1, Touche and
Tucker Engines.
- Closed significant memory leaks. RTL should now be more usable.

- Closed memory leaks in Simon 2 and Feeble Files.

- Corrected memory leaks and invalid memory accesses.
Future Wars should be more stable.
- Made Operation Stealth completable, though significant graphical
glitches remain so not official supported.

- Added German and French subtitles in the Von Braun cutscene (#3069981:
no subtitles in scene with "von Braun").
- Improved French translation of the game.
- Added support for "Return To Launcher".

- Fixed "Goblin Stuck On Reload" bugs affecting Gobliiins.

- Closed memory leaks.

- Corrected issue which could cause crash at engine exit.
- Closed memory leaks in Nippon Safes Amiga.

- Added a CMS music driver for SCI1 - SCI1.1 games.
- Added an option to toggle undithering from the ScummVM GUI.
- Added several previously missing parts of the game state in saved games,
such as game played time, script created windows, the script string heap
and information related to the text parser in old EGA games.
- Added support for SCI1.1 magnifier cursors.
- Added support for the keypad +/- keys.
- Added support for the alternative General MIDI tracks in the Windows CD
versions of Eco Quest, Jones in the Fast Lane, King's Quest 5 and Space
Quest 4.
- Added support for the alternative Windows cursors in the Windows version
of King's Quest 6.
- Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions of
Space Quest 4 and Freddy Pharkas.
- Corrected resource loading leaks.
- Corrected several problems and issues in the Skate-O-Rama rooms in Space
Quest 4.
- Corrected several issues in Hoyle Classic Card Games.
- Fixed several graphical glitches (like, for example, parts of the screen
that weren't erased correctly under some rare circumstances).
- Fixed several script bugs.
- Fixed several pathfinding related issues and lockups (like, for example,
a lockup in the shower scene of Laura bow 1 and pathfinding in some
screens during the chase sequence in Laura Bow 2).
- Fixed several music related glitches and possible lockups (like, for
example, a rare music lockup that occurred when loading a saved game
outside the palace in Quest for Glory 3).
- Fixed possible problems and lockups in the character import screens of
Quest for Glory 2 and 3.
- Fixed a bug that caused a lockup in the SCI1 CD version of Mixed Up Mother
Goose, after Tommy Tucker's song.
- Fixed a script bug in the CD version of King's Quest 5, which caused a
lockup under certain circumstances when going outside the witch's house
in the dark forest.
- Function keys now work correctly when the num lock key is on.
- Improved support for fanmade game scripts.
- Improved support for non-English versions of games.
- Made several enhancements and fixes related to MT-32 music (e.g. reverb).
- Music is no longer out of tune when loading saved games.

- Improved support for FM-TOWNS versions of games.

- Fixed crashes on sequences for several ports (Android, OpenGL, ...).

- Closed memory leaks.

- Closed memory leaks in Coroutines.
- Added enhanced music support for the German CD "Neon Edition" re-release
of Discworld 1.

- Corrected memory leaks and minor issues.

- Added workarounds for several issues present in the original game.

SDL ports:
- Closed memory leaks in Mouse Surfaces.

Android port:
- Switched to the official NDK toolchain for building.
- Fixed GFX output for various devices.
- Fixed various crashes.
- Switched to the native screen resolution to improve text readability.
- Added support for pause/resume.
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Increased the performance significantly.
- Added support for the "Fullscreen mode" option. Unchecking this keeps the
game's aspect ratio.
- Added a new graphics mode for linear filtering.
- Overhauled the input system (see README.Android).
- Added a MIDI driver based on SONiVOX's Embedded Audio Synthesis (EAS).

Nintendo DS port:
- Added support for loadable modules.

PSP port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
- Added image viewer.

PS2 port:
- Added support for loadable modules.

Wii/GameCube port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
- Fixed 16bit mouse cursors on HE games.

Version 1.2.0
Wii port:
- Added support for USB2 mass storage devices (requires The Homebrew Channel
>= v1.0.8 with IOS58).
New Games:
- Added support for Fascination.

New Games (Sierra SCI0 - SCI1.1):
- Added support for Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Codename: ICEMAN.
- Added support for Conquests of Camelot.
- Added support for Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus.
- Added support for EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest.
- Added support for Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist.
- Added support for Hoyle's Book of Games 1.
- Added support for Hoyle's Book of Games 2.
- Added support for Hoyle's Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Hoyle Classic Card Games.
- Added support for Jones in the Fast Lane.
- Added support for King's Quest I (SCI remake).
- Added support for King's Quest IV (SCI version).
- Added support for King's Quest V (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for King's Quest VI (low and hi res).
- Added support for Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest.
- Added support for Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra.
- Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 2.
- Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 3.
- Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res).
- Added support for Mixed-up Fairy Tales.
- Added support for Mixed-up Mother Goose.
- Added support for Pepper's Adventures in Time.
- Added support for Police Quest I (SCI remake).
- Added support for Police Quest II.
- Added support for Police Quest III (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Quest for Glory I/Hero's Quest.
- Added support for Quest for Glory I VGA remake.
- Added support for Quest for Glory II.
- Added support for Quest for Glory III.
- Added support for Slater & Charlie go camping.
- Added support for Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Space Quest III.
- Added support for Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA).
- Added support for Space Quest V.
- Added support for The Island of Dr. Brain.

New Ports:
- Added Android port.
- Added Dingux port.
- Added Caanoo port (based on the GP2XWiz port).
- Added OpenPandora port.

- Removed the outdated PalmOS port.
- Switched to the "fast" DOSBox OPL emulator.
- Fixed a crash in the rjp1 player code affecting the FOTAQ Amiga version.
- Added support for more original media layouts.
- Added support for GUI localization.
- Improved GUI by adding tooltips and radiobuttons.
- Improved GUI usability by hiding more irrelevant options not supported by
specific games.

- Fixed number of GFX glitches.
- Made PIC drawing code picture perfect.
- Added support of MIDI devices.
- Added support for accurate Tandy sound emulation. Switched to it as default.

Broken Sword 2
- Fixed missing speech in some cutscenes.
- Fixed a memory leak that would eventually cause the game to hang.
(#2976008 - BS2: Game lockup in British Museum)

- Fixed number of GFX glitches.
- Made many cutscenes smoother.
- Changed behavior of items menu. Now it shows up on mouse up.

- Added support for the Macintosh version of The 7th Guest.
- Added support for custom MT-32 instruments.

- Fixed some minor graphical glitches.
- Implemented formerly missing recreation of some in game items.
- Added support for playing Kyrandia 3 with the original CD file layout.

- Fixed bug where Goewin could get stuck in the Weregate
- Fixed issue with Ratpouch repeatedly moving between two rooms
- Fix for Goewin losing her schedule after Were-cave
- Fix for player getting stuck in sewer exit room

- Made part one of The Big Red Adventure completable.

- Fixed graphics glitches in several scenes.

- Several improvements in Maniac Mansion NES.

PSP port:
- New backend design: fixed minor graphical issues and enabled 16-bit support.
- Enabled playback of MP3 files using the Media Engine. This means that
the port is optimized for MP3 files (as opposed to OGG).
- Many optimizations. Everything should run faster.

GameCube port:
- Added support for DVDs with the ISO9660 file system.

GP2X port:
- Added support for dynamic engine plugins (experimental).
- Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.

GP2XWiz/Caanoo port:
- Improved downscale code to minimise 'tearing' corruption.
- Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.
- Renamed backend from GP2XWIZ to GPH to better reflect
the supported devices.

Révision 52133
- Énorme mise à jour de toutes les librairies de base.
- Entre autre: Support de l'USB 2.0 en utilisant HBC 1.0.8 et l'IOS 58.
- Correction du support clavier USB.
- Support des DVD pour la version GameCube.

Version 1.1.1
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.

Version 1.1.0
New Games:
- Added support for Blue's Art Time Activities.
- Added support for Blue's Reading Time Activities.
- Added support for Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove.
- Added support for Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day.
- Added support for Dragon Historie.
- Added support for TeenAgent.

- Added support for a custom SJIS font for FM-TOWNS and PC98 games.
- Added support for 16bit graphics. (GSoC Task)
- Removed QuickTime MIDI backend on Mac OS X; it was buggy and did not
compile on modern systems.

- Added support for Amiga style menus for Amiga versions of Future Wars.

- Added support for the Amiga version of The Legend of Kyrandia.
(sound support was done as a GSoC Task)
- Adapted KYRA to support the custom SJIS font.

- Added support for the PC-Engine version of Loom.
- Added support for music and sound effects in the the Amiga version of
The Secret of Monkey Island. (GSoC Task)
- Fixed some other bugs related to game versions for the Amiga.
- Added support for original save/load dialog in MM NES.
- Added support for savepoint passcodes for Sega CD MI1 via debugger command 'passcode'
- Added support for Kanji rendering in Japanese version of Monkey Island Sega CD.

- Correction mineur du clavier virtuel (touche "!").
- Mise à jour du GUI (boite de recherche).
- Compilé avec la dernière libfat+libogc (correction de bug de caching).

- Remapped keys: Home=F5, Up=GMM.
- Predictive input enabled (hold right) for AGI.

- Enabled saving/loading in GMM for COMI. Are there more Scumm games who need this?

Version 0.14, r36143:
- Ajout du support du clavier USB
- Ajout du support des roms sur DVD (avec DVDX)
- Changements de certains boutons (expliqué plus bas):
home = GMM (F6 instead of F5)
down = Virtual keyboard
left = PageDown / 3 (number entry + boxing)
right = PageUp / 9 (number entry + boxing)

Nécessite :
- SD card
- Contrôleur gamecube ou Wiimote

Fonctionnalités (spécifiques au portage wii):
- Scaling hardware GX
- Utilisation du slot SD interne de la Wii

Installation :
- copier le dossier "scummvm" dans le dossier "apps" de votre carte SD
- copier les démos et/ou vos jeux sur la même SD Card
- version freeware: http://scummvm.org/downloads.php#extras
- demos: http://scummvm.org/demos.php

Contrôles à la Wiimote:
Code :
Nunchuk (Direction du Nunchuk): Déplacements de souris
Bouton A Wiimote: Clic gauche
Bouton B Wiimote: Clic droit
Bouton - Wiimote: Echap
Bouton + Wiimote: "." (saute la ligne actuelle)
Bouton 2 Wiimote: enter
Bouton Home Wiimote (home): GMM (F6)
Bouton haut Wiimote: Shift
Bouton bas Wiimote: Clavier virtuel
Bouton gauche Wiimote: PageDown / 3
Bouton droit Wiimote: PageUp / 9

http://www.scummvm.org/ Site officiel : http://www.scummvm.org/

Télécharger Télécharger ScummVM 1.8.0 git 743-gb6a0f77
Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip.

9 commentaires
Pages: 1
^ Déconnecté ledany
#1, posté le 14/06/08 à 21:05:35
25 messages
Comment faire pour sauvegarder???
Choisir un Film : La meilleure solution quand on ne sait pas quel film regarder
^ Déconnecté harrypoppins
#2, posté le 19/08/08 à 02:49:38
1 messages
Petit nouveau
je n'y comprend pas grand chose c'est flou quand au nom logiciel est la version test 2 ou une autre beta???
^ Déconnecté Attila
#3, posté le 19/08/08 à 12:57:41
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
c'est la version 33789
^ Déconnecté recrax
#4, posté le 27/10/08 à 21:55:07
137 messages
Apprenti parleur
Je viens de me pencher de nouveau sur Scumm et a ma plus grande joie j'ai appris que Monkey Island 3 fonctionne presque parfaitement, ni une ni deux, je recherche dans mets cartons l'un de mets plus beaux souvenirs ludique des annees 90 (Phantasmagoria, Last express, Wing Commander etc...)
Mais grosse question...Comment je fait pour copier mon jeux sur la carte sd
Si une bonne ame charitable veut bien m'aider car j'ai l'impression de tourner en rond
Merci d'avance
PS:C'est surtout pour le deuxieme CD car si je fait un deuxieme repertoire le jeu reprendra t'il et il est impossible de mettre le contenu des 2 cd ensemble non ?!
^ Déconnecté Attila
#5, posté le 27/10/08 à 22:07:13
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
teste, tente
^ Déconnecté recrax
#6, posté le 27/10/08 à 23:22:26
137 messages
Apprenti parleur
Ca risque d'etre long, je suis qu'au debut dans la cale du bateau
Mais promis, j'essaye de donner des nouvelles si j'avance vite (c'est aussi sur que de voir le Pere Noel m'apporter des tonnes de cadeaux...)

Apres de tres longue recherche, j'ai trouvé sur le forum de Scummvm (on cherche souvent se que l'on a devant les yeux) un petit tuto bien sympa pour qui veut jouer au celebre pirate
A consommer sans moderation
^ Déconnecté lordofpeas
#7, posté le 30/07/11 à 19:04:09
7 messages
Petit nouveau
Merci pour le lien recrax, j'ai pu tester à l'instant, et à part quelques ralentissements Monkey Island 3 a l'air de bien fonctionner sur WII ::d::

EDIT: Désolé j'avais pas vu que le post datait de 2008 !

Dernière édition le 30/07/11 à 19:10:10 par lordofpeas.
^ Déconnecté djseb1
#8, posté le 14/08/12 à 12:18:23
25 messages
Bonjour, avant j'utilisé scumvm sur carte sd, pas problème dialogue en français sous-titré et depuis que j 'ai copier le contenue sur disque dur les dialogue sont tous en anglais sous-titré en français. J'ai pourtant bien mis les paramètre en langue français et sur sd toujours en français. Je vois pas d'ou ca vient::wtf::, si quelqu'un connait en moyens de basculer français ça serai sympa ::)::
Choisir un Film : La meilleure solution quand on ne sait pas quel film regarder
^ Déconnecté Attila
#9, posté le 16/08/12 à 11:11:39
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
supprime les paramètres ?

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