Télécharger Winter's End v1.2

753Winter's End v1.203/11/12 à 13:47:06Jeux286326
Fichier : WintersEnd_v1.2.7z
Taille : 4.959Mo 
Description :


ThatOtherPerson qui a créé ce jeu lors du concours Drunken Coders Competition, nous propose une mise à jour.
Vous incarnez un bonhomme de neige, et devez bien entendu ramasser toute la neige du terrain.
Bien entendu, il y a une complexité: plus vous ramasserez de neige, plus le bonhomme de neige grossira, et il sera difficile de passer dans certains endroits.

Version 1.2
Winter’s End is a bit more efficient (not that it makes any difference).
A new home menu. I rewrote a lot of it and added and changed a lot in the process.

The network browser thing has a built in on screen keyboard (just like the one in Wii Chatter). So now you can use it to post things on people’s user pages and in the future you will be able to send private messages and even register an account without needing to actually visit the site.

There is also a little news window next to the main home menu. So you will be able to find out if you are using an outdated version or if something cool has happened without needing to go to the network section of the home menu.

The new sprite sheet / texture it uses is half the size it was previously (which was already smaller than it was not too long ago) so that’s good for technical reasons. The buttons and things are designed in a way that allows me to put them closer together and thus fit more on screen. I’ve even got it setup so I can use different colors of text. I’m not crazy about the way it all actually looks though. I’ll probably change the color pallet later and maybe make it customizable.

Version 1.1
There are some slight visual changes. The onscreen text is noticeably different in a few ways. Texture space is used more efficiently. It obviously has the more recent home menu.

http://thatotherdev.com/2012/10/24/winters-end-v1-1-wii/ Site officiel : http://thatotherdev.com/2012/10/24/winters-end-v1-1-wii/

Télécharger Télécharger Winter's End v1.2
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1 commentaires
Pages: 1
^ Déconnecté ev3rdr3am
#1, posté le 29/03/11 à 21:09:18
12 messages
Petit nouveau
Le jeu a l'air sympa, jvais tester, la musique est entêtante par contre^^
Choisir un Film : La meilleure solution quand on ne sait pas quel film regarder

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