Télécharger DML (Dios Mios Lite) r58 : SD Loader GameCube
Fichier : DMLr58.zip Taille : 0.653Mo Description :
![]() Crediar, auteur de nombreux outils de la scène Wii, publie DML (Dios Mios Lite). DML est un SD loader GameCube, il permet donc de lire les backups de jeux GC sur carte SD. Celui-ci fonctionne avec ou SANS Sneek. Crediar est maintenant aidé par d'autres personnes pour l'améliorer. Note, pour convertir vos sauvegardes gci vers le format nmm, utilisez ce logiciel Pour info, voici les versions de DM/DML : - Dios MIOS v2 : USB Loader. - Dios MIOS (dépassé) : USB Loader (mais bugué). - Dios MIOS Lite par Crediar. - Dios MIOS Lite : SD Loader, moins bugué et différente de la version par Crediar (cette version). DisEX est disponible ici. Révision 58 -thanks for the donation request! The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker NMM fixed -Console restart and power off button config changed R + Z + START = reSTART R + Z + B = power off (red button) This only works on the first controller, and does not work with every game Révision 57 -fixed a bug in the CARDOpen patch which should at least fix NMM for Zelda:WW -removed sd card logging Révision 56 -fixed a bug which caused errors when not using no-disc -REALNAND is now enabled by default again (it seems that people don't check global.h before compiling and then wonder why stuff doesn't work) Révision 55 -fixed a bug which broke no-disc Révision 54 no-disc patching started, thanks for the donation requests! -added no-disc patches -added a new config value to control no-disc Note: Not all games are working without a disc yet, see the compatibility list. Note: if the loader supports it (SNEEK doesn't) those patches might even allow no-drive as well Révision 52 Thanks for your continuing support! -added a fix for PokemonXD(USA) and Pokemon Colosseum(USA) -fixed a bug which broke cheating -fixed a bug which would require boot.bin to be present for a custom game path to work Révision 51 Updated games that break when using DiscEX -c and games that break due missing MIOS patches. Note: Kirby's Air Ride still breaks when using compression of any kind! Révision 50 Again another donation another feature. Thanks for donating! -DML now takes a config which is read from memory (0xC0001700) see config.h for the structure. The supplied config always overwrites ALL define settings done via global.h -It is now possible to supply a custom game- and cheatfile path via the config structure. -There are three video mode configs: *DML_AUTO: uses the default DML code to pick the best video mode for the game *DML_NONE: keeps the current setting *DML_FORCE: uses the video mode supplied via the config structure -Fixed the dungeon map freeze for the USA version of Zelda:CE, thanks to betakoopa for the fix -NMM activity is no longer flashing the slot led when the define is disabled -NMM is (silently) disabled if something is inserted in Slot A Révision 49 -added another PADRead pattern (XG3-USA, ...) -changed console shutdown code Révision 48 As requested, console reset/power off via controller added. Thanks for the donation! L+Z+Digital-Down+A: power off L+Z+Digital-Down+B: console reset This only works on the first controller. Révision 47 * Small fixes to the .elf loading code(crediar) * Removed sd logging in the function IRQHandler, might be unstable Révision 46 - change CheatCode.c to include two versions of the code-handler (default is for cheat only, use a new define debugger in global.h to change it for debugger version) Révision 45 * Changed the debug output to write as much as possible to the log file on sd card * Added some debug output when loading .elf files Révision 44 -changed the __GXSetVAT patch to only patch Zelda:WW and Zelda:CE This fixes all issues r43 had because of this patch. This will be my last commit for the time being. Révision 43 - patches the Windwaker Dungeon Map Freeze. Révision 42 mod - same as r42 just with a fix for Paper Mario RPG. Révision 42 -added .gct cheat support, which is enabled by default and can be switched off in global.h -added a new define to let the debugger wait, debugger wait is off by default -made the cbForStateBusy detection code more versatile Note: The .gct file is to be placed at sd:/games/GZLE01/GZLE01.gct . The .gct must not be large than 1840byte, otherwise it will not be used. Révision 41 -added section about games that use audio streaming Révision 40 -added wiki page about game issues. Révision 39 -fixed a small bug that prevented to patch cbForStateBusy on games with .dols or .elf files Révision 38 -added basic(=not working) support for games with .elf files Révision 37 -added a feature to test the speed of the SD card. It is disabled by default and can be enabled via the SPEEDTEST define in global.h Révision 36 -fixed random(!) disc read errors -removed unused code -fixed hook code Note: This "only" fixed the random read errors, there might be games that get read errors due other reasons, like Pokemon Colosseum which writes to the reserved area used by DML. This concludes the deal from the video. Révision 35 -fixed black screen issue Révision 34 -fix for the error from r33 Révision 33 -writing the video mode changes to SRAM -removed the remaining ehci code -added the hack for Ikaruga's audio streaming, which is required with the current audio streaming handling Révision 32 -restored loading retail GC discs with a sd card inserted Révision 31 -restored retail disc support with no sd card inserted -restored DVD-R access with gamecube homebrew -minor code cleanup Révision 30 -removed some old code -updated video mode patch code Révision 29 -video mode fixes for EUR Révision 28 -removed cache system since new patch code is fast enough -fixed video modes Révision 27 -removed zelda-hack which "broke" saving -added a define to switch between real nand and sneek nand build (real nand is default) -added loading of DOLs and real disc support again -changed video mode patching to always set PROG flags (doesn't affect people without PROG cables) Révision 26 -replaced code with my version This version is tested and working! Révision 25 -fixed a bug which always turned off the wii after the first DVDRead Révision 24 -removed old patch code Révision 23 -added DVDInquiryAsync and DVDSeekAbsAsynPrio patches, which fixes fatal disc errors Révision 22 -updated patch code -improved SRAM patching for PAL60 -optimized main.dol/apploader detection code It was a bit tricky to make the changes since my version is quite different, so there could be some problems, which I will of course fix when they arise. Révision 21 * Fixed some values about the used sram for the code, stack and heap(Crediar) * Disablig the VIInit patch on PAL games if the SRAM is set to PAL, this should this the black bar on PAL60 Révision 20 * Allow booting gamecube retail discs without sd card inserted * Allow MIOS to patch games on retail discs like Wind Waker * Added launching gamecube homebrew like cMIOS do, but DML is still NOT a cMIOS! * Allowing gamecube homebrew to read DVD-Rs like cMIOS do * Commented out some functions to save some memory Révision 19 ... Révision 18 * Reverted some of the EXIControl and Shutdown changes. They were not safe in these 3 functions. Révision 17 * Added a new patch for DVDReadAbsAsyncPrioForBS(thanks to Crediar again). Now multi .dol games should work. * Deleting the boot.bin after reading. And if there's no boot.bin, DML boots the inserted retail disc. This alows to boot retail GC discs from the disc channel again. * Changed the handling of critical errors. The EXI control register is not changed anymore and Shutdown() is always called on critical errors. Hopefully one of both fixes the file table deleting problems. * Changed some debug output. Révision 16 * r15 and r16 are unstable, only use them at your on risk! They might erase your FAT file table * Added 2 more DVDReadAbsAsyncPrio patch options Révision 15 * Using the games' dvd read patch for apploaders as well now. This at least finds the dvd read function of the 2nd apploader on multi .dol games. Révision 14 * Added LDVDReadAbsAsyncPrio for the DVDReadAbsAsyncPrio of apploaders, fixes the multi .dol issue to 50% * Fixed the bug introduced in r13 Révision 13 * Minor code cleanup for the fwrite patch Révision 12 * DML is now meant to be installed as MIOS on real nand Révision 11 * Fixed a typo that resulted in fwrite patches when they were disabled Révision 10 * Switched to the audio streaming patches from Swiss * Added a hack for Ikaruga's audio streaming * Removed a hack for Eterna Darkness audio streaming * Added a version system for the cache files, so the patterns can be updated * Changed the .dol loading detection a little r9 * Changed the patcher to cache the patches for all loaded .dol files, and also use the cache if the main.dol is reloaded * Use the general .dol load detection code when loading the main.dol with the MIOS IPL * Removed the hack to get Metroid Prime to work, it should not be required anymore r8 * Removed the ehci code to allow booting DML from real nand without usb device connected. This has issue #1 as well though r7 * Improved the patcher speed a bit r6 * Added the ability to turn off fwrite patching and dbgprintf r5 * Patching the MIOS IPL to not patch games, now they should at least boot * Removed the hack to get Wind Waker to boot as it should not be required anymore * Added a batch file to make compiling even easier on Windows machines r4 * Added some comments about the MIOS patcher * Minor code cleanup r3 - Add debugger and cheat codes feature (requires kenobigc.bin in sd:\games folder; see global.h for turning-off or on this feature when compiling iosmodule.elf) r2 - Version initiale, développée par Crediar. SNEEK+DI - Installation1. Téléchargez MIOSv10 depuis NUS Downloader et décryptez le. 2. Utilisez FixELF pour créer un fichier MIOS patché: FixELF 0000000c.app DML.elf 000000c.app (Copiez le fichier 0000000c.app dans ce dossier, et lancez step2.bat pour la version normale ou step2debug.bat pour la version debug). 3. Assurez vous qu'un BC NON MODIFIE est installé sur votre NAND Virtuelle (Si vous avez installé une version inférieure à la r12 sur votre NAND virtuelle, vous devrez réinstaller un BC non modifié). 4. Injectez ce nouveau fichier 0000000c.app dans un WAD d'un MIOS v10 5. Installez ce WAD sur votre Nand réelle (pas la virtuelle). 6. Choisissez votre jeu Gamecube depuis la liste dans le menu de SNEEK et lancez le via la chaîne disque Note: Il est recommandé d'utiliser Bootmii en boot2 plutôt qu'en IOS car très peu de jeux fonctionnent avec Bootmii en IOS. Référez vous au Readme.txt pour plus d'informations. Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 40 commentaires Pages: 1 2 Messages:
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