Télécharger Dios Mios Booter r30 : Lanceur de jeux Gamecube
Fichier : DML_booter_SVN_r30_HBC_Pack.7z Taille : 0.235Mo Description :
![]() DIOS-MIOS Booter par FIX94 est un lanceur de jeux GameCube en mode texte. Il permet le lancement de jeux depuis une carte SD via DML (Dios-Mios Lite) et également depuis un support USB via DM (Dios-Mios). Un menu d'options est disponible afin de contrôler tous les paramètres nécessaires aux jeux, les contrôles s'affichent directement à l'écran. r30 - Problème résolu de la fonction autoboot - Déplacements des paramètres dans un nouveau dossier, dm_booter, à la racine du support - Ajout de titles.txt, au démarrage il sera écrit automatiquement tous les titres de jeu, vous pourrez modifier ces titres depuis un pc - Ajout du noubeau patch no disc de Dios Mios 2.2 update 3 - Changement de la configuration par défaut qui sera utlisé si aucune configuration n'est trouvée r29 - Amélioration de la compatibilité disque dur. r28 - Ajout de la compatibilité du DIOS-MIOS 2.1, vous devez régler "boot method" sur "New (DM 2.1+)" pour qu'il fonctionne correctement. -Ajout du patch "widescreen" (à priori, c'est un patch qui force le rendu en 16:9, à confirmer) dans les options, cela n'affecte que DM 2.1+, tout comme le patch "no disc" n'a d'effet seulement sur DM 2.0-, il n'a aucun effet sur DM 2.1+ puisque qu'a partir de cette version il est activé par défaut. r27 -added simple alphabetical list sorting r26 -looks like svn just ignored the included lib :P r25 -changed pretty much the whole code, cleaned it up and made it faster, more structured -fixed codedump on sd to usb device change -added proper license headers to code -included libfat now into source, using libcustomfat from gx -using another devicemounter code now, based on wiiflows and gx one -using memory code of wiiflow instead of default libogc one -dont deinit usb device on unmount (dios-mios should hook up the device much faster now) r24 -added support for using config on usb device if no sd card is found, now also renamed the ini to dios-mios-booter.ini, it will be on the device root instead of the games folder now r23 -added DIOS-MIOS (Lite) version display (thanks giantpune for the AHBPROT magic patches for NAND access) -forcing video mode now, may helps some games boot -moved copy and delete game into new submenu, easier to handle r22 -fixed games in fst format didnt copy from usb to sd -added delete games -added booting games from disc -added exclusive ntsc-j patch, if enabled games which normally doesnt work with pal and ntsc-u consoles should work, also works with games booted from disc WARNING: also the memory card will be treated as ntsc-j one, so be careful that the game doesn't format it, I'm not responsible for any damage you may get -changed menu controls r21 -added game usb to sd copier (thanks stfour) -added hbc icon.png and meta.xml (thanks JoostinOnline for the icon) r20 -fixed broken return to game selection after options menu r19 -added exit callbacks also to options menu now ;) r18 -added shutdown if power button on wiimote/wii is pressed -added return to menu if reset button on wii is pressed -fixed possible bug which prevented games from booting -made new and old boot method more safe -removed unneeded lines from setup -if old boot method is selected, all options which doesnt work with it will be hidden since they shouldnt be displayed -displaying if game is ISO (DiscEX) of FST (GCReEx) format by adding (ISO)/(FST) behind game title -old boot method now should work with REALLY old dml too, like r12 r17 -whoops one line too much r16 -display list under text -set up list to 12 games displayed -fixed a bug if you got less games it selected wrong in some certain cases r15 -display the games in a list instead of just one game -using yellow instead of green for selected option/game r14 -added option to switch to usb (+ on wiimote/X on gc controller) it will always read the first fat partition found -added filter to only display gamecube games (before it also displayed sneek/uneek+di wii games) r13 -added possibility to mount first USB HDD FAT partition (still not activated) -dont use version numbers but SVN revs instead r12 v1.01 sources, fixed a few games not booted r11 v1.0 sources, added more options for new dml and a selection which dml boot method to use r10 v0.9 sources, more options and compatility with dml v1.0+ r9 v0.8 sources, added language and video mode options r8 v0.7 sources, saving options into ini now r7 v0.6 sources, added possibility to select and save options r6 v0.5 sources, new better menu and autoboot possibility r5 v0.4 sources, now can select a game directly r4 v0.3 sources, fixed a blackscreen r3 v0.2 sources, options can be set in defines.h now r2 v0.1 sources, can boot game which is defined in main.c r1 Initial directory structure. Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 7 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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