Télécharger Sqrzx 3 v1.05r

947Sqrzx 3 v1.05r11/01/15 à 12:57:39Jeux174308
Fichier : sqrxz_3_v1.05r.zip
Taille : 0.856Mo 
Description :


Oibaf nous propose le portage du troisième volet de la quadrilogie SQRZX qui sont des jeux multi plates-formes.

Quote :
Sqrxz and his girlfriend were on a romantic adventure journey in a jungle somewhere here on our planet. All of a sudden Yve gets kidnapped by an evil power and Sqrxz is forced to collect dozens of shiny little rings to free her. The old ruins he has to explore are anything else than safe. Traps are spread all over the place… and… Sqrxz is not alone!

Features :
Retrolook! Play like anno 1990!
Demanding and almost impossible Jump'n'Run annoyance!
10 knotty levels!
11 wonderful chiptunes!
Top 10 highscore!
Infinite continue mode!
Secrets to discover!

Spoiler : Contrôles :

Version 1.05r
- Initial release
- Shown at "6. Retro-Börse in Wien"


http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Sqrxz3 Site officiel : http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Sqrxz3
http://www.sqrxz.de/ Site officiel : http://www.sqrxz.de/

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