Wiiflow 3.0 Alpha (rev426/mod r607) - News

Wiiflow 3.0 Alpha (rev426/mod r607)

Posté par le 21/07/12 à 16:11:40
2954 affichages, 0 commentaire

Wiiflow est un USB/SD Loader pour lire les backups de jeux Wii sur disque dur USB, clé USB ou carte SD ainsi que le formatage WBFS/NTFS/FAT32. L'interface est basé sur un "coverflow" affichant les pochettes des jeux.

L'instigateur original du projet wiiflow, Hibernatus, souhaitant prendre du recul par rapport au projet, c'est donc r-win,Miigotu, Hulkhodn et OverjoY qui ont repris la direction du développement de cet USB Loader. Il continue ainsi, avec son équipe, a faire évoluer cet homebrew. Ce n'est donc pas un nouvel homebrew, mais la continuité de l'évolution de Wiiflow.

Voir tous les changements ici.

-added back debug HDD size/sector info (more fancy this time :P)
-added debug SD information if found or not and if in __io_wiisd
mode (for dolphin-emu, neek, hermes ios)
-added automatically test if __io_wiisd mode works (no need to
overwrite things anymore to test that)
-added more intelligent IOS check (stub check, version check)
-removed unneeded cIOS information in neek mode

-using force cIOS detection again, should fix problems with some
fucked up cIOS maps
-changed the AUTO IOS selection again, if the game doesnt need
IOS57 it will just use the currently loaded cIOS instead of a
IOS56 based one

-fixed some usb hdd problems for people with 3tb+ devices
introduced with r598

-lalala (fixed homebrew dol loading)

-added new option in DML section in wiiflow.ini, dm_r2.1+,
enabled by default, with the option enabled it will use cfg version
2 for dm 2.1 or higher, if disabled it uses cfg version 1. It will
be ignored if dml_r52+ is set to no since that uses the old boot.bin
method then

-fixed bug in setting video mode

-fixed bug in homebrew/plugin booting (plugins most
likely blackscreen in older revs)
-moved devolution loader (should fix ingame graphical errors)

-temporary disable gecko output before booting a wii game
(hopefully fixes random blackscreens)

-changed a few things about isfs and usb, also removed
the disable mem2 wrap

-lets use the old gui_sound.cpp, because we shouldnt force set
the memory we use for them, not that we get problems
-added debug prints about how much mem left before and after
-updated devicehandler, partition handler and usb code to the
latest usb loader gx one, should give more compatility and
port 1 support (not enabled yet)

Fixed formatting on wiki page Themes through web user interface.

Edited wiki page Themes through web user interface.

-added proper texture, font and sound cleanup (should fix most
game booting problems when using a theme)

-shutdown IOS subsystems as we do in wii games and channels also
-fixed stupid bug which may made a problem with devolution
-dont init mload on waninkokos cIOS which is older than r18

-added back basic hermes and wanin cIOS support, you can now load
wii games with them again and you also should be able to boot
wiiflow using another ios than d2x

- chinese_s.ini for r585+ (thx kavid)
- danish.ini for r585+ (thx nibb)
- dutch.ini for r585+ (thx Etheboss)
- french.ini for r585+

-Created wiki page through web user interface.

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http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/ Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/
http://www.wiiflowiki.com/ Wiki officiel : http://www.wiiflowiki.com/
http://gbatemp.net/topic/204106-wiiflow-an-open-source-gui-usb-loader/ Topic officiel US : http://gbatemp.net/topic/204106-wiiflow-an-open-source-gui-usb-loader/
http://code.google.com/p/open-wiiflow-mod/ Site du mod : http://code.google.com/p/open-wiiflow-mod/
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