Ctr-Gcs-DacoTaco-Edition v0.3b : Gestion de cartes mémoires GC - NewsCtr-Gcs-DacoTaco-Edition v0.3b : Gestion de cartes mémoires GCPosté par richardjouir le 08/09/12 à 14:33:26 2761 affichages, 0 commentaire Cet utilitaire vous permet, en effet, de créer des sauvegardes de votre carte mémoire sur SD et vice-versa. Attention tout de même, si une erreur intervient durant le backup/restauration, votre carte mémoire risque d'être corrompue et de ne plus être utilisable. Version 0.3B -Minor fix -Official memory cards truly working -Gci restore and backup is more conservative (now it's a direct copy and restore of the memory card directory entry) -Shows image and card Flash ID prior to restoring raw image/header About header files: -All unofficial cards have the same header (all 0x00), and thus header file can be. -Inserting a header with diferent flash ID than that of the card's will corrupt the card. Uses of header files: -Transfer protected savegames from unoficial cards to unoficial cards (note that in dolphin all raw images behave as unofficial cards) -Restore a raw image to a card with different header as long as the image and the card are the same size. ![]() Pages: 1 Messages:
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