Harmony's Nightmare v1.2 - News

Harmony's Nightmare v1.2

Posté par le 08/10/12 à 13:30:38
1935 affichages, 0 commentaire

Mr. Reaper met à jour Harmony's Nightmare son jeu multi-genre, développé à l'origine à l'occasion de la Nintendomax Wii Dev Compétition 2012.
En effet il regroupe des jeux de type : réflexe, plate-formes, puzzle, etc...

1.2 :
- Lots of minor bug fixes, a sound effect improvement, and several animation improvements/adjustments.
- All new Unlockable Story Chapters (and music, kinda)
- Thanks to Titmouse's improved sound libraries, the intro and victory music is now in High Quality Stereo.
- I converted all movement in the game to use floating-point precision, resulting in much smoother motion. Now as the levels get faster, they do so much more gradually, instead if in larger jumps as before.
- All levels re-balanced because of this. For example, previously level 2 had the enemies moving at two speeds: "fast" and "slow." Now they can move at 11 different speeds: "fast," "slow," and 9 incremental speeds in between those. Speeds on all other levels were also adjusted in various ways.
- Added support for just about any (common) type of controller you prefer to use:
- Wiimote
- Wiimote + Nunchuck
- GameCube pad (digital or analog controls)
- Classic Controller (lest recommended -- it doesn't vibrate like the other controllers)
The game will automatically detect your used controller. The Wiimote or GameCube pad are probably the best options. Note, however, that if you use something other than the Wiimote, the button labels won't be right in the game (it's not hard to figure out, since you really only use 1 button when playing -- the others are for menu options). For GameCube or Classic Controller, use: "A" for "Button 2" "B" for "Button 1" and "X" instead of "Button A" in the menu. (and obviously "Start" instead of "Home" on the GameCube pad)

http://www.wii-homebrew.com/download/nintendo-wii-downloads/games/harmonys-nightmare/ Source : http://www.wii-homebrew.com/download/nintendo-wii-downloads/games/harmonys-nightmare/
http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Harmony%27s_Nightmare Site officiel : http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Harmony%27s_Nightmare
télécharger Télécharger Harmony's Nightmare v1.2

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