WiiDownloader 1.7.1 - NewsWiiDownloader 1.7.1Posté par Itachijiraya le 31/10/12 à 20:18:00 4589 affichages, 0 commentaire Vous aurez besoin du .NET framework 3.5 installé sur votre PC pour que le logiciel puisse fonctionner (téléchargeable ici) Fonctionnalités : - Télécharger des applications diverses. - Configurer un périphérique sur lequel seront directement placés les applications téléchargées. - Créer un script qui télécharge automatiquement les outils que vous voulez. ![]() [v1.7.1] - Little correction in "script edit" (becose in previus version I remove use of SFK). - Add messagge when application write data to selected device. - Change some "ErrorMessage" in "WarningMessage" (before all was Error message... not correct). - Timeout set at 20 seconds (before was 15) [v1.7] - Added OFFLINE MODE: Now WiiDownloader can be used also with no connection (but only if the files to download are just downloaded previously) - Addedd support for russian language - Add some message when dropbox don't be online and database or application can't be updated. - Add some check and message when a file that must be used by wiidownloader, but is used or open by other process - Remove use of SFK for filter dinamic link (mediafire and bootmii) [v1.6.3] - LOL... Addoed only an intial message when WiiDownloader can't start beacuse dropbox is down. [v1.6.2] - Added controls for haven't any crash (especially with folder open in explorer). - Added initial check for check if network connection is available. - Other minor chages. ******** Honestly actually I don't know, how other check I can do for haven't any crash. I tryed to do anything and more, but the application seem to be ok. For a while I will stop to modify the code... but for any problem, please tell me. Meanwhile I can spen my time to update teh database. ******** [v1.6.1] - Now deleting alle file in cache, will be deleted also the files created with modmii (in the next download ALL will be recreated/downloaded) [v1.6] - Add some cache options: enable, disable and delete alle file in cache - Add link to 91wii.com (for chinese support forum) [v1.5.1] - code clean [v1.5] - BIG BIG changes: now isnt' necessary NET 4.0, but only NET 3.5... that is just necessary for ModMii. (There is no need to install too many things.) [v1.4.5] - Add a check for ID and version in cached file [v1.4.4] - Improved use of cache feature. Now really faster! =) - Next step to add: free cache, disable/enalbe cache, delete all downloaded files [v1.4.3] - Now in "Aboot your Wii", when a script will create, all information and chech box checked will be saved in settings.ini (not only FW and MacAddress) [v1.4.2] - Only code clean [v1.4.1] - Little typo error in editor mode [v1.4] - Added use of "cache" also for file downloaded form url (downloading IOS or cIOS, this feature was already done in previous version) - Add more cutosmizable text in editor mode - Other minor graphical changes [v1.3] - Added info about version of application and database in the main page. - Other minor changes for haven't any freeze or crash in downloading (or when download is stopped) [v1.2.0] - YEAAAA! FIXED! ...I'm talking about a problem that would happen (in particoular condition) using NUSD.EXE or SHARPII.EXE (too long to explain.. but now is OK) [v1.1.9] - add other chack in case of freeze (or stopped by user) during and after use of external program. Now i hope to have take all possible case. - Actaually I add a static timer when usign particoular external program not easy to monitorate: 60 seconds for create a cIOS (not for download the base) and 20 second for other simply operations (that in normal condition will take 2 seconds) [v1.1.8] - add more check using any external prgram (in case of freeze with them) [v1.1.7] - only little layout changes [v1.1.6] - added support for Dutch Language [v1.1.5] - Found and fixed a possible error using the the feature for create script (alwyas caused by the add of unicode encoding creating files) [v1.1.4] - sorry, adding the use of unicode encoding for support chinese language I broken the feature for create cIOS: fixed. [v1.1.3] - added support for Chinese Language [v1.1.2] - add link for changelog in "about" menu - add authors of translation - add info when downloading a wad of system menù (es: RVL-WiiSystemmenu-v450 = 4.1E ) A la fin du téléchargement, si vous n'avez pas configuré de périphérique de destination, vous aurez un dossier COPY_TO_DEVICE dans le dossier WiiDownloader, qui contiendra le fichier téléchargé. Il se peut que le premier téléchargement avec WiiDownloader échoue, relancez-le et il devrait passer sans problème. Pages: 1 Messages:
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