WiiDownloader 1.7.1 - News

WiiDownloader 1.7.1

Posté par le 31/10/12 à 20:18:00
4589 affichages, 0 commentaire
Voici un utilitaire Windows développé par Actar, vous permettant de télécharger la plupart des applications en tout genre (émulateurs, jeux homebrew, loaders...) ainsi que des titres pour la console (ios, chaînes...). L'application télécharge les outils directement depuis le site officiel (quand cela est possible).

Vous aurez besoin du .NET framework 3.5 installé sur votre PC pour que le logiciel puisse fonctionner (téléchargeable ici)

Fonctionnalités :
- Télécharger des applications diverses.
- Configurer un périphérique sur lequel seront directement placés les applications téléchargées.
- Créer un script qui télécharge automatiquement les outils que vous voulez.


- Little correction in "script edit" (becose in previus version I remove use of SFK).
- Add messagge when application write data to selected device.
- Change some "ErrorMessage" in "WarningMessage" (before all was Error message... not correct).
- Timeout set at 20 seconds (before was 15)

Now WiiDownloader can be used also with no connection (but only if the files to download are just downloaded previously)
- Addedd support for russian language
- Add some message when dropbox don't be online and database or application can't be updated.
- Add some check and message when a file that must be used by wiidownloader, but is used or open by other process
- Remove use of SFK for filter dinamic link (mediafire and bootmii)

- LOL... Addoed only an intial message when WiiDownloader can't start beacuse dropbox is down.

- Added controls for haven't any crash (especially with folder open in explorer).
- Added initial check for check if network connection is available.
- Other minor chages.

Honestly actually I don't know, how other check I can do for haven't any crash.
I tryed to do anything and more, but the application seem to be ok.
For a while I will stop to modify the code... but for any problem, please tell me.
Meanwhile I can spen my time to update teh database.

- Now deleting alle file in cache, will be deleted also the files created with modmii (in the next download ALL will be recreated/downloaded)

- Add some cache options: enable, disable and delete alle file in cache
- Add link to 91wii.com (for chinese support forum)

- code clean

- BIG BIG changes: now isnt' necessary NET 4.0, but only NET 3.5... that is just necessary for ModMii. (There is no need to install too many things.)

- Add a check for ID and version in cached file

- Improved use of cache feature. Now really faster! =)
- Next step to add: free cache, disable/enalbe cache, delete all downloaded files

- Now in "Aboot your Wii", when a script will create, all information and chech box checked will be saved in settings.ini (not only FW and MacAddress)

- Only code clean

- Little typo error in editor mode

- Added use of "cache" also for file downloaded form url (downloading IOS or cIOS, this feature was already done in previous version)
- Add more cutosmizable text in editor mode
- Other minor graphical changes

- Added info about version of application and database in the main page.
- Other minor changes for haven't any freeze or crash in downloading (or when download is stopped)

- YEAAAA! FIXED! ...I'm talking about a problem that would happen (in particoular condition) using NUSD.EXE or SHARPII.EXE (too long to explain.. but now is OK)

- add other chack in case of freeze (or stopped by user) during and after use of external program. Now i hope to have take all possible case.
- Actaually I add a static timer when usign particoular external program not easy to monitorate:
60 seconds for create a cIOS (not for download the base) and 20 second for other simply operations (that in normal condition will take 2 seconds)

- add more check using any external prgram (in case of freeze with them)

- only little layout changes

- added support for Dutch Language

- Found and fixed a possible error using the the feature for create script (alwyas caused by the add of unicode encoding creating files)

- sorry, adding the use of unicode encoding for support chinese language I broken the feature for create cIOS: fixed.

- added support for Chinese Language

- add link for changelog in "about" menu
- add authors of translation
- add info when downloading a wad of system menù (es: RVL-WiiSystemmenu-v450 = 4.1E )

A la fin du téléchargement, si vous n'avez pas configuré de périphérique de destination, vous aurez un dossier COPY_TO_DEVICE dans le dossier WiiDownloader, qui contiendra le fichier téléchargé.
Il se peut que le premier téléchargement avec WiiDownloader échoue, relancez-le et il devrait passer sans problème.

http://gbatemp.net/topic/331626-wiidownloader/ Site officiel : http://gbatemp.net/topic/331626-wiidownloader/
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