Newo Asteroids v1.5: Shoot spatial - News

Newo Asteroids v1.5: Shoot spatial

Posté par le 09/11/12 à 16:23:35
1669 affichages, 0 commentaire

Owen nous livre Newo Asteroids, un jeu du style "Asteroids". Vous devez détruire des astéroides du système solaire pour ramener la paix dans la galaxie.


Version 1.5
Added difficulty new modes; hard and easy. Easy has more asteroids, less enemies and no over heating.
Added achievements system with 25 achievements/challenges.
Fixed music loop.
Fixed player score is visible by default.
Added a cool new type of radar that is centered around the ship as suggested by Mr. Reaper.
On screen message when ship overheats + wii cursor turns red.
Colours, settings and achievements/challenges are saved between games.
Alternate fire is different if used while the fire button is held down.
Fixed flickering of power rings at 60fps.
Fixed The target cursor centering bug. Thanx Mr. Reaper

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