WIT: Wiimms ISO & WBFS Tools v2.21b - News

WIT: Wiimms ISO & WBFS Tools v2.21b

Posté par le 17/06/13 à 17:17:14
3839 affichages, 0 commentaire

Wiimms ISO Tools et Wiimms WBFS Tool est un ensemble d'utilitaires réalisé par Wiimm. Ils vous permet de manipuler les Images ISO de jeu Wii et les containers WBFS. Les deux utilitaires principaux sont nommés wit (Wiimms ISO Tool) et wwt (Wiimms WBFS Tool, le WBFS manager). Il s'agit de la solution la plus complète à l'heure actuelle en terme de manipulation d'ISO. Tous les formats sont supporté (de fichier comme de format de partition), il est possible de faire des transferts par lot, de réparer des partitions ou des fichiers WBFS, etc, etc...

wit v2.21b r4492 - 2013-06-15
- Bug fix: wit DOLPATCH: Reading 'offset' failed on 32 bit systems.

wit v2.21a r4489 - 2013-06-15
- The default image format switched from WDF to WBFS. This is only relevant,
if no image type is specified by source, option or file extension, for
example for the command "wwt EXTRACT".
- wit DUMP --long: If dumping a DOL file, a third table with delta values
between the virtual address and the file offset is printed.
- New command: wit DOLPATCH: Patch a DOL file by reading a Riivolution XML
file and scanning all memory tags.
-> Read http://wit.wiimm.de/cmd/wit/dolpatch for details.
- If extracting an image, the file 'setup.txt' contains now a new parameter:
"image-type = TYPE". It shows the image type of the source image.
If cretaing an image and file 'setup.txt' contains this paramater with a
valid image type, this image type is used as default for the new created
image. The default is superseded by format options and file extensions.
This feature is dedicated to patching scripts. If an original image is
extracted with "wit extract -1n ANYID6 . WORKDIR --psel data" and then
patched, an image with identical image type as the original can be created
by the command: wit copy WORKDIR %x --id NEWID6 --name "new title of game"
- For easier script/batch support, the files "setup.sh" and "setup.bat" are
created for extracted images. They contain similar info as "setup.txt", but
can be directly included by ". ./PATH/setup.sh" or "CALL PATH\setup.bat"
to get the settings as script variables.
- Cygwin (Windows) DDLs updated.
- Title data base updated.

(Image de qtwitgui)

http://wit.wiimm.de/ Site officiel : http://wit.wiimm.de/
http://gbatemp.net/t182236-wwt-wit-wiimms-wbfs-iso-tools Site officiel : http://gbatemp.net/t182236-wwt-wit-wiimms-wbfs-iso-tools
http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Wiimms-ISO-and-WBFS-Tools-221b-t28244.html Source : http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Wiimms-ISO-and-WBFS-Tools-221b-t28244.html
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