Postloader 4.5.2 : Lanceur d'homebrews - News

Postloader 4.5.2 : Lanceur d'homebrews

Posté par le 27/10/13 à 11:45:13
3068 affichages, 0 commentaire

postLoader, par stfour, est un utilitaire vous permettant de lancer des homebrews ou des forwarders, en autoboot ou manuellement, directement après le priiloader. Vous pouvez l'installer en autorun après le priilader en utilisant l'option "Load/Install File" de ce dernier.

postLoader 4.5.2

* rolled back to the damn slow sd logging system

postLoader 4.5.1

* fixed missing roms
* added more information if wad installation fails.

postLoader 4.5.0

* version changed

NOTE: this version will clear all configuration files (autoboot settings... etc.etc.)

postLoader 4.4.18

* emuBrowser: fixed empty page on plugins filter menu
* emuBrowser: up to 32768 rom can be virtually browsed.
* emuBrowser: the cache file is no more fully readed in memory, but in small chunk.
* emuBrowser: fixed rom count display if none or every plugin is selected in filters.

postLoader 4.4.17

* any mode can now be locked using [home]->lock this mode. Top and botton bar are disabled as well the d-pad shortcuts.
* fixed button text that may be cutted in 4.4.16
* better debug output for emulators
* faster ploader.log writing (as usual, log is activated only if the file exist on sd root, thx joostin for the tip)
* GameBrowser (GC): added current installed wad information (AUTO:DM, AUTO:DML.... etc)
* Fixed default homebrew category creation when configuration file change revision
* minor changes in user interface

postLoader 4.4.16

* up to 256 different plugins are supported
* rom count is displayed in filter menu
* new plugin.conf format. The old format is compatible as the first digitig of definition line in plugin.conf is '0'
* added to grlib_menu the support for (<) (>) buttons
* added cfg_RemoveIndex/cfg_RemoveTag functions to cfg library

postLoader 4.4.15

* fixed "|" support in emulators. Use $ symbol

postLoader 4.4.14

* fixed support for multiple fat32 partitions

postLoader 4.4.13

* bhoooo ?!?

postLoader 4.4.12

* gameBrowser/gc: fixed cheat codes support for dml. Cheats files (gct) must be in the same partition of game and only '/codes' folder is supported.
* gameBrowser/gc: added manual mios installation ([home]->"Manual MIOS installation..."). You can also create in /ploader/wads/mios.wad and cmios.wad as standard mios and custom mios

postLoader 4.4.11

* ....

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Fichiers neekbooter.dol,, plugins et forwarder inclus dans l'archive Site officiel : Site officiel :
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