Wiimms SZS Tools v1.36b r5690 - News

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.36b r5690

Posté par le 28/12/14 à 13:56:01
2828 affichages, 0 commentaire

Wiimms, auteur des outils de manipulation de fichier image de jeu WIT/WWT, propose une nouvelle mise à jour de cet outil.

szs v1.36b r5690 - 2014-10-21

- Bug fix: If transforming a track, the minimap became sometimes invisible.
The reason was, that the minimum and maximum parameters of the vertex list were not calculated and not stored to reflect the new coordinates.

- New patching option: --null: Create a neutral transformation without affecting the coordinates. The only influence that the dependent values (like maximum) are calculated as if a transformation had taken place.
This option helps to fix the transforming bug mentioned above.

szs v1.36a r5680 - 2014-10-18

- New command: wstrt+wbmgt POINTS: Print a table with points assigned after a versus or private room race. This command should help to find a good parameter for option --points.

- New option --points=list: Define a new table with points assigned after a versus or private room race. Predefined tables are:
NINTENDO: Original Nintendo table.
LINEAR: Last get 0 points, all other 1 point more than successor.
WIN15: Winner = 15 points, last=0, all other are evenly distributed.
WIN25: Winner = 25 points, last=0, all other are evenly distributed.
For LINEAR, WIN15 and WIN25 there are some options:
ONE: Last get 1 point instead of 0.
BONUS: Winner get a bonus of 1 point.
See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/points for details.

- Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.32 2014-08-13.

http://wiki.tockdom.de/index.php?title=Wiimms_SZS_Tools Site officiel : http://wiki.tockdom.de/index.php?title=Wiimms_SZS_Tools
http://szs.wiimm.de Site officiel : http://szs.wiimm.de
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