Emulateur GBA: Visual Boy Advance GX 2.3.1 - News

Emulateur GBA: Visual Boy Advance GX 2.3.1

Posté par le 04/01/15 à 13:21:52
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Tantric, avec l'aide de Emu_Kidid, a diffusé un nouveau portage de Visual Boy Advance, un émulateur GameBoy (simple, couleur, et GBA) pour la Nintendo Wii. Front SD, Wiimote, USB etc supportés.
Mettez vos roms dans SD:/vbagx/roms ou USB:/vbagx/roms.

Version 2.3.1
- Super Game Boy border support
- Borders can be loaded from (and are automatically saved to) PNG files
- Any border loaded from the game itself will override the custom PNG border
- Custom palette support from 2.2.8 restored
- Option added to select Game Boy hardware (GB/SGB/GBC/auto)
- Fixed pixel ratio mode added
- Overrides zoom and aspect ratio settings
- To squish the picture so it appears correctly on a 16:9 TV, you can open the settings.xml file and add 10 to the gbFixed/gbaFixed value. However, setting your TV to 4:3 mode will yield a better picture.
- Real-time clock fixes for GB/GBC games, including Pokémon G/S/C
- RTC data in save file stored as little-endian
- Option added for UTC offset in the main menu (only required if you use the same SRAM on other, time-zone-aware platforms)
- New option for selecting "sharp" or "soft" filtering settings
- "Sharp" was the default for 480p, "soft" was the default for 480i

Version 2.3.0
- VBA-M core updated to r1231
- Tiled rendering used for GBA games (new VBA-M feature, originally from RetroArch) - provides a major speed boost!
- I merged the changes from cebolleto's version (http://gbatemp.net/threads/snes9xgx-fceugx-and-vbagx-with-screenshots-support.366990/). See that thread for details.
- New options available:
- Disable the " Auto" string being appended to save files
- Disable frameskip entirely on GBA (I like to turn this on in some games and keep it off in others.)
- Keyboard fixed (from libwiigui r56)
- GUI prompt is now purple instead of green (button colors more intuitive)
- Goomba and Goomba Color ROM support (using my code from here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/goomba-save-manager-export-replace-goomba-sram.364693/)
- Any Game Boy ROM stored within a Goomba ROM can be loaded "natively" in the Game Boy (Color) emulator (or the Goomba ROM can be loaded as GBA)
- Game Boy SRAM stored within Goomba SRAM is loaded and saved correctly
- I put this in because I keep several GBC games on by GBA flash card, and I like to use the same save file no matter what device I'm using.
Custom controls available for Kid Dracula (see this video)


http://gbatemp.net/threads/new-vba-gx-fork-2-3-0.371284/ Source : http://gbatemp.net/threads/new-vba-gx-fork-2-3-0.371284/
http://code.google.com/p/vba-wii/ Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/vba-wii/
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