Snes9x GX v4.3.7 : Emulateur Super NES - News

Snes9x GX v4.3.7 : Emulateur Super NES

Posté par le 12/12/16 à 13:20:25
14625 affichages, 0 commentaire

Snes9X GX MOD par Zopenko est une version améliorée de l'émulateur Snes du même nom (sans le MOD), initialement créé par Tantric.

Version 4.3.7
Hide saving dialog that pops up briefly when returning from a game

Version 4.3.6 mod
* Added the delete save file (SRAM / Snapshot) option
* Changed the box colors for the SRAM and Snapshots files to match the color scheme of the emu GUI
* Change the "Power off Wii" exit option to completely turn off the wii, ignoring the WC24 settings
* Updated emulator credits
* Updated settings file name in order to have it's own settings file
* Added an option to switch between screenshots, covers, or artworks images,
with their respectively named folders inside /snes9xgx at the device's root.
You can set which one to show, by going to Settings > Menu > Preview Image.
The .PNG image file needs to have the same name as the ROM (e.g.: Contra III.png)

Version 4.3.5 mod
* Added Fix94 wiiflow plugin mode (Askot)
* Removed sound from GUI, for better perfomance/FPS on games like Yoshi's Island and Kirby's Dream Land 3 (Askot)
* SuperFX overclock in Video Options, for a bit of speed in some games (Askot)
* Show Framerate option in Video Settings for FPS info (Askot)
* Remove Turbo Mode wii on right stick (Askot)

Version 4.3.4 mod
- Fixed screenshot image dimensions, now it can display screenshot and game cover within the background border.
- Fixed screenshot function, it no longer creates a "dummy" file on folder.
- Fixed performance issues, reverted to previous vsync method, thank to Burnt Lasagna for finding this error.
- Removed automatic download of newer versions by Burnt Lasagna.
- Compiled with devkitPPC r26, if source is compiled with devkitPPC r27 some games, like Final Fantasy III and Chrono Trigger would crash, thanks to Sindrik for finding this information.
- Updated version within emu to 4.3.4

Version 4.3.3 mod
- Added Cebolleto's preview image support.
- Added WiiUPro controller support.
- Added a Scanline filter option (under the video options, video mode must be set to progressive, filter is kinda buggy)
- Increase preview image size and reduce game list width.
- Added a background to the preview image.
- Added a Screenshot button (under the game settings options, the video scaling option must be set to default otherwise screenshot looks smaller and with black borders around it, also screenshot folder must already exist otherwise a folder error will popup).
- Added a "WiiuPro" button on the button mapping menu, the options is just for completeness, since the controller mappings are shared between the wiiupro and the classic controller.
- Fixed the inverted color button selection that was in some option windows in version 4.3.2.


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