Télécharger Disque de récupération Wiikey 2 v1.2
Fichier : Disque de recuperation wiikey 2 v1.2.7z Taille : 0.065Mo Description :
Code : ============ Instructions ============ Burn the .iso to a blank DVD and boot. The Wii will then appear to 'freeze' and you will not be able to eject the disc for about 1 minute. As soon as you are able to eject the disc, reboot your Wii and the update will be enabled. After this, you will be able to run the Config disc (downloadable from wiikey.cn to configure the new Update Blocker feature. Unfortunately, Korean consoles cannot run GC discs, which means that no config disc is available. However, the default setting of the Update Blocker feature is to block other region updates and to only to allow own region updates. Enjoy :-) Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 17 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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