Télécharger Wii Menu 0.01 (Wii-SysMenu)
Fichier : WiiMenuV0.01.7z Taille : 1.274Mo Description :
![]() Suite aux nombreux développement des menus systèmes de remplacement, rolyataylor2 vient de mettre en ligne son propre menu de remplacement animé et open-source. Version 0.01 - GUI et animations améliorées. - Chaines gérées différemment. - Ajout de sons, MP3 pour le menu, Mod pour les chaines. - Nouvelles image pour le GUI. - Les chaines peuvent être déplacées, comme avec le system menu. - Changement de l'icone dans le HBC - Log des évènements donné par le fichier 'errorlog.txt'. - Certaines options n'apparaissent pas, mais sont implémentées : * FOCUS sur différent niveau * Element du GUI comme des boutons, fenêtres et autres. * Scan des dossiers pour les chaines. Version 0.01b Hi I'm back again made some progress with the menu, animations are working, albeit a little glitchy at the moment. I had folder views but had to take it out to get the animations working. BTW I don't know whether I should make a new thread or not when i update. Added: Animations for the channels fixed zoomin/zoomout Rearranged a bunch of code. Check this out. I created a basic scripting engine for animations. Read the included readme.html to figure out how to program for it. The animations are still in beta but the new versions that i make will be backwards compatible (so go ahead and make animations). I made a Super Mario Brothers 2 animation to test it out. Download a Super Mario Brothers 3 Animation: Here Extract it to the CHNL folder. Transitions 5+ are not programmed yet, they will be on the next release. To make images just appear just do a quick fade in. same to just disappear. If you have the ability to take screen shots or video feel free to post it in this thread. It would be much appreciated. To make new channels add a folder in the CHNL directory name it "0", "1", and so on. This naming of channels will not be permanent, when i figure out how to I will have the program scan the directory then store the channel positions in the menu in a file. That is my next step after animations. Download V0.01b: Here Please Help I need help with the code that i have uploaded to google projects. http://code.google.com/p/wii-sysmenu/source/browse/ My Dol launcher code I havent tested it, but I hope to gain from it a basic function for loading DOL's and ELF's. If anyone wants to help, if you can get it running, that will give this menu some functionality. Everyone who helps will have there place in the credits Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 17 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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