Télécharger HBCLoader
Fichier : hbcloader.7z Taille : 1.739Mo Description :
Giantpune vient de mettre en ligne un utilitaire qui fera le lien entre la HBC et les programmes utilisant celle-ci sous l'ID HAXX. Une chaine va s'installer dans le dernier tableau de la wii et portera l'ID JODI mais sera sur les même canaux que la HBC. Ainsi les homebrews ayant besoin de la HBC passeront par cette chaines qui ne sera pas supprimé du à son ID différentes. Quote : Ok, so with the new HBC, and it's new tid, old apps that try to load HAXX will be unusuccessful. This means the preloader .29 will not be able to autoboot to HBC. Also changed in the new HBC is the removal of the "reload" button. So now, if you have a IP address change while HBC is loaded, you must exit to the system menu and restart it to get network capabilities for HBC. here is my fix for these things. this is just simply a dol that boots the JODI tid. i have put it in a channel with the HAXX id. this means that you will have 2 HBC channels on your system menu, so just hide this one on the back page. i think it's a small price to pay for being able to fix this little annoyance. obviously this channel will be deleted my system menu 4.2 unless it has been patched, and to reboot HBC without exiting, just boot my dol. If you just want to fix preloader and don't care about other apps, you can set my dol to autoboot from preloader. it should boot the new HBC and not put a new channel on the system menu. Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 14 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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