Télécharger Bolt Thrower v0.71
Fichier : BoltThrower_v0.71.7z Taille : 2.382Mo Description :
Périphériques : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Titmouse est en train de développer un Shoot them up spatial : Bolt Thrower. Pour le moment, il s'agit d'une démo. Il n'y a donc pas d'objectif précis ou de mission. L'auteur indique qu'il est en recherche d'un ou des graphiste(s) pour l'aider à améliorer ce jeu. Avis aux amateurs ![]() Version 0.71 - Final release - nothing big, decided to submit remaining changes into release - Optimized probe mines code using spatial grid (you can now have far more probe mines!) - The Probe mine's interaction behavior has change as part of the optimize - Reworked credits screen - Shield level now remains at zero when you are killed - Tune loading is now on it's own thread - Tune loading now uses a pop up Version 0.70 - Added display thread for loading/updating - Changed the way enemies move - Small enemies now shoot back - Mines now do damage to a small area, before they could only take out one thing! - Added some new shielded enemies to the first mission - Moon now terraforms in 2nd to last mission - Made changes to the graphics - Scrolling credits - Last Mission is now a Survival Mission, things will hot up! - Note:v0.70 has been sitting on the self for 6 months; sure I’ve missed commenting various changes. Version 0.62 Fixed music playback stopping in 0.61 after loading screen, needing next tune to be clicked to restart the tune. Version 0.61 - Added health pickups - Added gun ship collision - Changed the lighting in-game and menus - Updated and added better sounds and used the Ogg Vorbis format - Optimised logic when erasing a single container element - changed the way prob mines mines lock on. - Added Recall for prob mines - Dpad Up toggles recall mode on/off - Optimised Display code - tweaked some matrix 'libogc' functions kept in utils3D namespace - Reduced any single image loads that can exists in the main bank - Updated Music player - supports far more types of tracker Modules (and playback is now spot on) - Added 3D in-game panels Version 0.60 -Ajout de la mise à jour automatique. -Ajout du chnage tune feature. -Look du menu désormais modifié. -Ajout de capture d'écran du ping pour les spores. -Tweeks mineurs durant la partie. -Ajout des caractéristiques de téléchargement Http. -Le Répertoire Musique est désormais scanné, pas besoin d'entrées dans la configuration. -Format Ogg Vorbris désormais supporté. -Ajout des langages supportés via la config. -Language Klingon ajouté. Ver 0.59 - 09/07/2011 - Added radar pings to enemy spore satellites - It was hard to spot them and complete the first mission! - Added a startup "Loading..." message Ver 0.58 - 08/07/2011 - Added more front menus - Added In game music - Added scrap pick-ups after enemy is destroyed - Added some missions - mission 6 will never end! - Added Base defences (gun turrets) on later levels - Added rendezvous & collect terraforming satellites - Added base's terraforming shield - Added enemy fleet attack formations - Added some more 3D objects - Added skull at death Ver 0.47 - 23/04/2011 Added enemy gunships - just noticed I forgot to add these to the radar, my bad Added bigger mine explosions Added a controls menu screen - (will add more later to pick other control methods) Updated main menu - now shows a 3D WiiMote in the background Updated Credits - now shows a 3D Viper (MK2) in the background Reduced amount of enemies Updated enemies movement logic - speedy enemies now find it harder to lock-on Update Intro screen - camera view glides in 3D space Added Camera catch-up the player's craft - the player craft will now drift away from the centre Added some new 3D models - Viper (MK2) & Wiimote Updated 3D object code to use all the layers in a Lightwave object (lwo) Bit of code refactoring (reworking internal design), hopefully everything will still work the same Version 0.36 Added Radar - showing enemies, mines, missiles & satellites Added Menu, Intro & Credits screen Intro screen logo made from mines (scanned from tinylogo.tga), these mines start of slow then spurt off after the crafts. Added Music - 'Space Debris' Amiga tracker module, plays while in the menu screens Add Trails to enemy crafts Changed trails for missiles and mines Changed to way collisions work - ship to ship collisions now destroy enemy crafts Change the way the 'you are dead' screen looks Added 'bye' screen Fixed zero bugs "which was nice" - I've noticed the looped engine sound plays on into the menus if you died with thrust burning, I'll fix that on next release, at the moment its a feature ;) Added Hardware Drawlist for 3D objects - so pre-build objects can be spat out without the need of the main CPU Increased the resolution of Wiimote to help pointer travel off screen and still be active around the edges Changed the look of some resource graphics - mainly explosions which also double up as stars and exhaust trails Optimised the mines - I was creating and displaying a new mine trail every frame, requiring about 60 objects plus all the overheads that go with it. Optimised the dispay code for most objects. Added a lower detail moon with some rocks spinnig in orbit Improved the lighting on 3D objects Added ingame backdrop far into the Z plane so it scrolls slowly, reduced from 1024 width at the last minute to 800 pixels so it fits the 2MB upload limmit - I'm just far to lazy to look for somewhere else to upload, plus its a challenge making a game fit into 2MB ;) Ver 0.35 Shows remaining foes & spores More game data moved into the XML configuration Sound fix Correct Meta.xml version TAG this time, needed for Homebrew Browser Ver 0.34 Added more sounds Added probe mines Added missile trails Added probe mine trails Added player ship thruster trail Added player collision Added blue (ok) to red (overloading) shields Added 'Well Done' message once everything (including satellites) are destroyed Added 'You are very Dead' message Added XML configuration, data used to store graphic positions,sizes, frames & other game data like 'AmountStars' Added more types of explosions Version 0.23 - Les Ennemis sont projetés dans l'espace une fois qu'ils sont touché. - Ajout de trainée d'explosion. - Ajout de quelques rochers autour de la lune. - Ajout d'un autre type d'ennemis - nécessite 3 tirs. - Ajout de plus de sons. Version 0.12 - Added missle hits - Added Spore spinny things - Bad ships go boom Version 0.01 - Première Démo ![]() (Vidéo par nintendomax) Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 4 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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