Télécharger wbfs2fat v0.8.6
Fichier : wbfs2fat_0.8.6.zip Taille : 11.142Mo Description :
![]() PsyBlade nous offre un utilitaire fort sympathique puisqu'il vous permettra de convertir une partition WBFS en fat32 sans ligne de commande particulière et cela sous windows ou linux. Ce programme conserve vos jeux en .wbfs d'une taille de 4Gb dans le dossier wbfs. Utilisation: - Sous windows choisir wbfs2fat.exe, sous linux choisir wbfs2fat.py - Choisir votre partition wbfs - Faire "convert to Fat32" ![]() version 0.8.6 - Was a stupid bug on my side that was triggered by not having a game located in the beginning of the disk version 0.8.5 - It now prefers the clustersizes as Dios Mios likes them default/maximum is still 32KiB - But now it only goes to smaller values if it absolutely has to version 0.8.3 - Quick fix for backup creation on windows - Previous backups are working but difficult to use (alternate data stream) version 0.8.1 - Changed folder naming to /wbfs/TITLE [ID6]/ID6.wbfs, which is the default one in WBM - Title is taken from disc, title.txt might come in the future version 0.7: - Previous version were a bit overcautious in scanning WBFS for possible errors - Please try again if you aborted because of "error 6" - Additionally option "ignore-error-6" is now included to deal with actual errors see error description below Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 18 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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