Télécharger FBZX Wii v15.0 : émulateur ZX Spectrum
Fichier : fbzx-wii-v15-bin.tar.gz Taille : 1.744Mo Description :
![]() Périphériques : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() FBZX est un émulateur ZX Spectrum pour FrameBuffer, écrit par Sergio Costas (http://www.rastersoft.com/fbzx.html) et porté sur Wii par Oibaf. Ce portage utilise SDL Wii. Fonctionnalités : - Émulation précise du 48Kspectrum Original, du classic 128K, du Amstrad Plus 2, du Amstrad Plus 2A et du Spanish 128K. Ceci inclut l'écran, le clavier et le son (à la fois haut parleur et puce AY-3-8912). - Émulation d'écran extrêmement précise, donc il peut émuler les effets de bord mais aussi d'autres effets. - Support des captures d'écran Z80, à la fois chargement et sauvegarde, et chargement des captures d'écran .SNA. - Support des fichiers de cassettes TAP (lecture et écriture) et TZX (lecture uniquement), supportant le chargement à vitesse normale et chargement rapide. - Émulation jusqu'à 2 joysticks: kempston, curseur et sinclair1 et sinclair2. - Tous les boutons des contrôleurs wiimote, nunchuck et classic controller sont complètement paramétrable. - Support d'un clavier virtuel. - Émulation des Interface I et Microdrive. - Émulation du ULAPlus. - Basé sur un nouvel, et complètement gratuit, émulateur Z80 (Zd80Free). Utilisation : - Placez les fichiers .z80 et .sna dans /fbzx-wii/snapshots ou les fichiers .tap .tzx dans /fbzx-wii/tapes sur votre carte SD. - Les rom sont dans /fbzx-wii/spectrum-roms. Version 15.0 Added WIIU PRO controller support Added Gamecube controller support Fast up and down menu scrolling with the second joystick Fixed bug in D-Right conf Version 14 * Added RZX support (play, record, add bookmark, edit, browsing) in tool menu * Preview screen auto extracted from tap, tzx, sna, z80 and rzx files * Left and right togle preview windows * Horizontally scrolling menu * Last selected file remebered in the menu * Extended z80 file format to +2, +3, +2a models * Added AY info emulation in z80 file format * Z80 file compression (v2.0) for both 48k and 128k models * Fixed bug in z80 decompression algorithm(case of ED as last byte of the block) Version 13.0 New set of microspeech allophones (shorter) Added GUI volume setting Added Currah microspeech volume setting SE Basic extended to all models Wiimote button 2 as default fire Version 12.0 Added Currah microspeech emulation Added Fuller box sound and joystick emulation Added ZX Interface II Rom cartridge loading support Added support for Open SE basic ROM for 48k model Added file management (paste, copy and delete) Added load command for microdrive Improved tape fast loading routine Version 11.0 Gui interface with ZX Spectrum style and sound Added screen preview in scr menu Added tape settings menu Added green color mode Added submenu for 48k issue 2 & 3 Fixed several bugs (mainly memory leakage) Version 10.3 Improved txz loading algorithm Fixed small bugs on return from turbo state Version 10.2 fixed bug in 128k sna format fixed small bugs in z80 core fixed bugs in tape emulation (Speedlock 4-7, Softlock and Powerload work now) Improved code and tape loading speed Version 10 Tape browser TZX "select block" block TZX "jump to block" block TZX messages shown on the screen Instant load for TZX files too Improved instant load routine: most of TAP files can be instant loaded now Keys can be kept pressed in Virtual Keyboard QAOP joystick 16 bit sound Linear interpolation anti aliasing sound filter Removed crackling in menu change Mic bit emulation (Cobra's Arc speach works now) Option to have pause between blocks in instant load Option to disable tape rewind on reset Option to ignore joystick configuration of z80 files Tape stops on reset Fixed bug in emulation precision option saving Other minor fixings and improvements Version 9 - Virtual keyboard does not stop the emulation - Support for installation on usb device - Case insensitive file ordering - The path in file browsing is remembered - Changed layout in file selection menu - Support for Wiiflow - Option to disable Virtual keyboard rumble Version 8 - Screen snapshots visible on screen in file select menus - Option to activate the virtual keyboard with the wiimote IR pointer - Changed menu navigation rules (2 and B always come back to previuos menu) - FTP and SMP connect also after start up - Tape stops after machine selection change - Fixed contention in normal mode emulation - Fixed crackling in turbo auto mode - Other minor bug fixes Version 7 - Added auto turbo mode - Added graphical virtual keyboard using wii pointer - Added B button as escape - Fixed bug in file list management Version 6 - Added mdr and tape file creation menu - Added poke menu - Added poke file management - Added zip support and archive browsing - Added ftp client and browsing - Support for ABC/BAC/ACB stereo - Improved snow emulation - Improved speed emulation - Fixed bug in SNA format - Fixed bug in AY-3-8912 emulation Version 5 - Added precision emulation setting (floating bus, contention, interrupt timing) - Added NTSC 48K machine - Added 320X240 framebuffer resolution - New screen setting menu - Added framerate setting Version 4 - In Joypad mode, the nunchuck works now - New code for Y-3-8912 emulation - Fixed RETN and RETI Z80 instructions - Fixed Flag emulation for many Z80 opcodes: Speedlock loader works now. Only the Flag in Bit n, (HL) is not correctly emulated. Version 3 - No computer reset between issue 2 and 3, fixed bug in sound and increased sound volume - Added general configuration management - Fixed virtual keyboard bug, fixed CPIR and CPDR instructions - Removed sound during reset, malloc for snapshot variables - Added ultraspeed turbo mode, ULA+ contention - Fixed OTI in gencode - Added game configurations - Fixed OTI emulation, Added movements binding to joysticks Version 2 - Added smb support - Added usb disk support - Added joypad as joystick function - Added saving of all configurations and buttons - Improved virtual keyboard - Fixed bug in sound emulation - Fixed some other small bugs Version 1 - Release initiale. ![]() Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 7 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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