Télécharger DM/DML (Dios Mios Lite) v2.11 : SD/USB Loader GameCube
Fichier : dios mios et lite.zip Taille : 6.563Mo Description :
![]() Voici une 3eme version de DML (Dios Mios Lite). Il s'agit de la reprise de son ancien projet servant à lire les Backups GameCube sur carte SD et disque dur/clé USB par shafts sur wii. Pour installer cette version, il suffit d'installer le Wad avec Pimp my Wii et d'utiliser un loader compatible comme Usb Loader GX. Inclus : - DIOS MIOS : Lit les jeux depuis l'USB - DIOS MIOS Lite : Lit les jeux depuis une SD Pour info, voici les versions de DM/DML : - Dios MIOS v2 : USB Loader. - Dios MIOS (dépassé) : USB Loader (mais bugué). - Dios MIOS Lite par Crediar (cette version). - Dios MIOS Lite : SD Loader, moins bugué et différente de la version par Crediar. Pour installer sur NAND SNEEK: Copiez le fichier app dans \title\00000001\00000100\content (il faut un BC V6). Pour installer sur NAND réelle: Installez le WAD avec Pimp my wii Version 2.11 - Ajout d'une fonction FatFS link map ce qui devrait grandement réduire les temps de chargements. Version 2.10 *Fixed a bug in the pattern detection code (DVDLowReadDiskID) Version 2.9 *Changed patch code to prevent false hits (DVDLowReadDiskID) *Added C_MTXLightPerspective patching (Fixes heat effects when using wide screen hack in Zelda:WW) Version 2.8 *Fixed a bug in GCLoader that broke the progressive patch *Moved progressive patch back 16 bytes, this fixes PADHOOK and progressive patching not working at the same time Thanks to FIX94 who sacrificed his school carer for testing this release! Version 2.7 *Fixed a bug that caused a black screen when using PADHook and Progressive mode patching at the same time Version 2.6 *Reduced HDD read time out to 25 seconds *Added two disc feature (Extracted format is unsupported) Use the latest DMToolBox (0.3 or higher) to install your two disc games Version 2.5 *Fixed a bug in DM that could cause a fatal read error when using devices with under 8GB size *Added a PADHOOK pattern for Batman:Vengeance *Added a screenshot feature This feature can be enabled/disabled via the DM(L) config Press R+Z on the fourth controller to take a screenshot any time! Screenshots will be saved to device:/screenshots in the YPbPr format, you can use my tool to convert them. Version 2.4 *Fixed NMM for Mario Kart Double Dash. Saving ghost data works now as well *Fixed a bug that would sometimes break cheating/debugging unless both were enabled *Moved the VIConfigure patch to the ARM side which should fix a number of broken titles *Changed the HDD time out to read a random sector *Optimised the EHCI reset code *Optimised the CARD code Version 2.3 : rev29 *Fixed creating NMM save file folders in FST mode *Fixed CardFindEntryByName which incorrectly compared file names *Added a hack for Phantasy Star Online 1&2 version 1.0 *GCLoader improvements that include warning the user if an incorrect CONFIG_VERSION is used *Hardcoded the only worthy DVDGetDriveStatus patching, so once again the NODISC cfg doesn't do anything *Removed unused code *Removed unused files Version 2.2 - Mise à jour du code pour correspondre à la version 2.2 de Dios Mios (USB Loader). - Suppression du code pour l'USB. Version 1.5 *added support for CARDDeleteFast,CARDRename and CARDGetXferredBytes *updated CARD patches for CARDGetXferredBytes *removed USBGecko debug output, which should fix mic (can't test have no mic) *added save hack for Baten Kaitos *removed DoPatchesLoader, DoPatches now handles everything *updated DoPatches *removed boot.bin loading 1.4b Fixed a bug that GCLoader wouldn't flush the changes to SRAM 1.4 Fixed a bug which broke loader patching (fixes games that load .dols. Zelda:CE, ...) When neither a boot.bin nor a config is found in RAM, DML now boots the inserted disc instead Fixed a bug which would ignore the set config in RAM (fixes that loaders couldn't overwrite the default config) 1.3 Added real disc loading, simply set the config value (see config.h) and load DML Fixed a bug that would overwrite the config in GCLoader Added pad reset/shutdown for real discs 1.2 DML is using GCLoader again Improved video mode stuff Changed config memory area to 0xC1200000 Added a new config for video modes: force prog mode patch Moved SRAM patching code to GCLoader In FST-Mode the game title is now printed 1.1 Replaced GCLoader with miniGCLoad Fixed a bug which would overwrite the DML config in RAM 1.0 Added extracted Gamecube ISO loading (normal game.iso loading is still there) Added fix for Pokemon XD JAP/EUR and Pokemon Park JAP/USA Removed IPL related code Removed retail disc loading and dol loading Improved NoDisc (a couple audio streaming games still require a disc) Updated the /asm/make.cmd file, so a user is no longer required to update the paths Added my own IPL code Téléchargez la version Windows XP de DMToolbox (en cliquant ici) L'archive contient aussi la source, DMToolbox, YCbYCr2BMP et UNEEK DI. Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 15 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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