Télécharger WiiBrowser r132 : Navigateur internet
Fichier : R132.zip Taille : 2.699Mo Description :
![]() WiiBrowser est un navigateur internet pour la Wii par gave92. Voici ce qui est fait pour l'instant : - Affiche des sites web personnalisés. - Supporte les connexions HTTP et HTTPS. - Supporte les liens et les formulaires web. - Est capable de télécharger des fichiers vers une carte SD/SDHC. - Barre d'adresse avec un clavier visuel. - Navigation suivant/précédent. - Formats d'images supportés: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP - Opérations sur les images: zoom/déplacer. - Mise à jour automatique. rev132 • Onscreen keyboard with autocomplete • Suggestions taken from history, top sites and Google Suggest • Added support for rar/7z files extraction • Fixed downloads from mediafire and wiisave • Better rendering of image links Rev121 Last version released on Google Code: new versions can be found at http://wiibrowser.altervista.org/ Import/export favorites from/to other browsers Automatically resumes connection on failure Better onscreen keyboard, now with text cursor Unzipping of downloaded files Rev106 Moving update site to: http://wiibrowser.altervista.org/ Rev105 Support for LUA scripting In app bug reporting Reworked settings menu Initial support for <iframe> tag and "document.write" javascript method Rev93 Picasa and Coolrom now work The app can use MEM2 memory Various fixes for crashing bugs Rev87 file upload download manager! save screenshots to sd remember last session file browser hold backspace for continuous backspacing fix for autoupdate proxy support Rev70 Usb keyboard support Multipart form request (for sending emails) Fixed overlapping text bug Bookmarks now display thumbnails Download support for larger files New controls opera-like r38 Added missing files r37 Finalizing release 37 r36 Fixing bad commit r35 Changed my mind about charsets support r34 Changed User-Agent r33 Bookmarks can now be added r32 HTML entities are now displayed correctly r31 More work on charsets r30 Added support for various charsets r29 Minor visual improvements r28 Better rendering of web forms r27 Created wiki page through web user interface. r26 Fixed reported issues: *settings not saved *endless update request r25 I never give up r24 Reverted to single font :( r23 Bug fixes and favorites menu r22 Minor changes r21 New icons and bookmarks menu r20 Work in progress: bookmarks r19 Pages can now be saved r18 Code cleanup r17 New main page and settings menu r16 Multiple fonts are available again r15 Anchor hrefs are now displayed as tooltips r14 Added editable configuration r13 Fixing bad commit r12 New splash screen and initial support for languages r11 Bottom app bar should now work r10 Added HBC icon and meta file r9 Added support for bmp/jpeg/gif images r8 Removed unnecessary files r7 Bug fixes (form filling and page rendering) r6 Much more simple memory management to avoid crashes on large pages r5 Tags with display:none attribute are no longer shown r4 Reenabled networking functionalities r3 Added some libs. r2 Added previously completed files r1 Initial directory structure ![]() Les fichiers avec l'extension 7z se décompressent avec winrar ou 7zip. 12 commentaires Pages: 1 Messages:
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