Télécharger mGBA v0.6.2: Emulateur GBA

952mGBA v0.6.2: Emulateur GBA06/04/18 à 19:30:06Emulateur57323060
Fichier : mGBA-0.6.2-wii.7z
Taille : 0.433Mo 
Description :


mGBA est un émulateur Game Boy Advance (GBA), fonctionnant sur de multiples plate formes, dont la Wii.

Version 0.6.2

Core: Fix ROM patches not being unloaded when disabled (fixes mgba.io/i/962)
3DS: Fix opening files in directory names with trailing slashes
LR35902: Fix watchpoints not reporting new value
GB MBC: Fix MBC2 saves (fixes mgba.io/i/954)
GB Memory: HDMAs should not start when LCD is off (fixes mgba.io/i/310)
GB Memory: Fix OAM DMA blocking regions (fixes mgba.io/i/1013)
GB Video: Only trigger STAT write IRQs when screen is on (fixes mgba.io/i/912)
GBA: Fix some GBA ROM misdetection (fixes mgba.io/i/978)
GBA: Fix SharkPort saves for EEPROM games
GBA Audio: Increase PSG volume (fixes mgba.io/i/932)
GBA BIOS: Fix incorrect exit condition in LZ77
GBA Cheats: Fix PARv3 slide codes (fixes mgba.io/i/919)
GBA Cheats: Fix slide codes not initializing properly
GBA DMA: ROM reads are forced to increment
GBA Hardware: RTC accuracy improvements
GBA I/O: Fix writing to DISPCNT CGB flag (fixes mgba.io/i/902)
GBA Memory: Fix copy-on-write memory leak
GBA Memory: Partially revert prefetch changes (fixes mgba.io/i/840)
GBA Savedata: Fix crash when resizing flash
GBA Video: Force align 256-color tiles
GBA Video: OBJWIN can change blend params after OBJ is drawn (fixes mgba.io/i/921)
PSP2: Fix issues causing poor audio
Python: Fix package directory
Qt: Fix locale being set to English on settings save (fixes mgba.io/i/906)
Qt: Fix opening in fullscreen (fixes mgba.io/i/993)
Wii: Fix screen tear when unpausing
Wii: Fix various setup and teardown drawing issues (fixes mgba.io/i/988)


3DS: Scale font based on glyph heights (fixes mgba.io/i/961)
GB MBC: Remove erroneous bank 0 wrapping
GBA: Improve multiboot image detection
PSP2: Use system enter key by default

Version 0.6.1

GB, GBA: Fix crashes when attempting to identify null VFiles
GB, GBA: Fix sync to video with frameskip
GB, GBA Savedata: Fix savestate-related save overwriting (fixes #834)
GB Audio: Fix NRx2 writes while active (fixes #866)
GB Core: Fix palette loading when loading a foreign config
GB MBC: Pocket Cam memory should be accessible without enabling
GB MBC: Fix SRAM sizes 4 and 5
GB MBC: Fix RTC initialization (fixes #825)
GB MBC: Fix RTC loading when file size is off
GB Memory: Initialize peripheral pointers
GB Memory: Prevent accessing empty SRAM (fixes #831)
GB Memory: Fix HDMA count starting in mode 0 (fixes #855)
GB Memory: Actually load latch time from savestate
GB Serialize: Fix deserializing video STAT
GB Video: Fix 16-bit screenshots (fixes #826)
GB Video: Fix potential hang when ending mode 0
GB Video: Fix read mode when enabling LCD
GBA: Reset active region as needed when loading a ROM
GBA: Fix keypad IRQs not firing when extra buttons are pressed
GBA BIOS: Use core’s VRAM variable instead of renderer’s
GBA Cheats: Fix PARv3 multiline blocks (fixes #889)
GBA I/O: Fix reading from a few invalid I/O registers (fixes #876)
GBA Savedata: Fix 512 byte EEPROM saving as 8kB (fixes #877)
GBA Savedata: Fix size of SRAM saves (fixes #883)
GBA Video: Fix broken sprite blending hack (fixes #532)
Python: Fix importing .gb or .gba before .core
Qt: Fix command line debugger closing second game
Qt: Fix LOG argument order
Qt: Fix timezone issues with time overrides
Qt: Fix sprite export pausing game indefinitely (fixes #841)
SDL: Fix potential race condition when pressing keys (fixes #872)


CMake: Fix CPack dependencies for libpng 1.6
GBA: Detect hardware for Pokémon FireRed ROM hacks
GBA Cheats: Improve detection of raw cheats
Qt: Don’t rebuild library view if style hasn’t changed
Qt: Allow overrides to be saved before a game is loaded
Qt: Hide mouse immediately when loading
SDL: Fix 2.0.5 build on macOS under some circumstances
VFS: Make VFile.truncate work growing files on PSV (fixes #885)

Version 0.6.0
En court :
A library view has been added
Translations to Italian, Spanish and German have been added for QT GUI ports (computer ports)
Various debugging features
Last directory loaded is now saved on the PSVita, Wii and 3DS. That means that if you opened a ROM from ux0:data/mGBA/GBA ROMs. you’ll be in that directory again when you re-open the emulator
Various bug fixes to give you a better experience

En long :

Library view
Sprite viewer
Debugging console
Improved memory viewer
Memory search
Command line ability to override configuration values
Add option to allow preloading the entire ROM before running
Add option for whether rewinding restores save games
Savestates now contain any RTC override data
Add option to lock video to integer scaling
LR35902: Watchpoints
LR35902/GB-Z80 disassembler
GB: Tile viewer
GB: Video/audio channel enabling/disabling
GB: Symbol table support
GB MBC: Add MBC1 multicart support
GBA: Support printing debug strings from inside a game
GBA: Better cheat type autodetection
Implement keypad interrupts
Configuration of gamepad hats
Video log recording for testing and bug reporting
Debugger: Segment/bank support
Debugger: Execution tracing
Partial Python scripting support
Qt: German translation (by Lothar Serra Mari)
Qt: Spanish translation (by Kevin López)
Qt: Italian translation (by theheroGAC)


ARM7: Fix MLA/MULL/MLAL timing
Core: Fix crash with rewind if savestates shrink
Core: Fix interrupting a thread while on the thread (fixes #692)
Core: Fix directory sets crashing on close if base isn’t properly detached
FFmpeg: Fix overflow and general issues with audio encoding
GB: Fix flickering when screen is strobed quickly
GB: Fix STAT blocking
GB MBC: Fix ROM bank overflows getting set to bank 0
GB MBC: Fix swapping carts not detect new MBC
GB Timer: Improve DIV reset behavior
GB Timer: Fix DIV batching if TAC changes
GB Video: Reset renderer when loading state
GBA: Fix multiboot ROM loading
GBA: Fix multiboot loading resulting in too small WRAM
GBA BIOS: Implement BitUnPack
GBA BIOS: Fix ArcTan sign in HLE BIOS
GBA BIOS: Fix ArcTan2 sign in HLE BIOS (fixes #689)
GBA BIOS: Fix INT_MIN/-1 crash
GBA Hardware: Fix crash if a savestate lies about game hardware
GBA I/O: Handle audio registers specially when deserializing
GBA Memory: Improve initial skipped BIOS state
GBA Savedata: Fix savedata unmasking (fixes #441)
GBA Savedata: Update and fix Sharkport importing (fixes #658)
GBA Video: Fix wrong palette on 256-color sprites in OBJWIN
GBA Video: Don’t update background scanline params in mode 0 (fixes #377)
Libretro: Fix saving in GB games (fixes #486)
LR35902: Fix core never exiting with certain event patterns
LR35902: Fix pc overflowing current region off-by-one
LR35902: Fix decoding LD r, $imm and 0-valued immediates (fixes #735)
OpenGL: Fix some shaders causing offset graphics
GB Timer: Fix sub-M-cycle DIV reset timing and edge triggering
Qt: Fix timing issues on high refresh rate monitors
Qt: Fix linking after some windows have been closed
Qt: Fix crash when changing audio settings after a game is closed
Qt: Ensure CLI backend is attached when submitting commands (fixes #662)
Qt: Disable “New multiplayer window” when MAX_GBAS is reached (fixes #107)
Qt: Fix game unpausing after frame advancing and refocusing
SDL: Fix game crash check
SDL: Fix race condition with audio thread when starting
SDL: Fix showing version number
Test: Fix crash when loading invalid file
Test: Fix crash when fuzzing fails to load a file
Test: Don’t rely on core for frames elapsed
Test: Fix crash when loading invalid file
Test: Fix crash when fuzzing fails to load a file
Tools: Fix recurring multiple times over the same library
Util: Fix overflow when loading invalid UPS patches
Util: Fix highest-fd socket not being returned by SocketAccept
Windows: Fix VDir.rewind


All: Add C++ header guards
All: Move time.h include to common.h
3DS, PSP2, Wii: Last directory loaded is saved
CMake: Add ability to just print version string
Core: New, faster event timing subsystem
Core: Clean up some thread state checks
Core: Add generic checksum function
Core: Cores can now have multiple sets of callbacks
Core: Restore sleep callback
Core: Move rewind diffing to its own thread
Core: Ability to enumerate and modify video and audio channels
Core: List memory segments in the core
Core: Move savestate creation time to extdata
Core: Config values can now be hexadecimal
Core: Improved threading interrupted detection
Debugger: Modularize CLI debugger
Debugger: Make building with debugging aspects optional
Debugger: Add functions for read- or write-only watchpoints
Debugger: Make attaching a backend idempotent
Debugger: Add mDebuggerRunFrame convenience function
Feature: Move game database from flatfile to SQLite3
Feature: Support ImageMagick 7
Feature: Make -l option explicit
FFmpeg: Return false if a file fails to open
FFmpeg: Force MP4 files to YUV420P
GB: Trust ROM header for number of SRAM banks (fixes #726)
GB: Reset with initial state of DIV register
GB MBC: New MBC7 implementation
GB Audio: Simplify envelope code
GB Audio: Improve initial envelope samples
GB Audio: Start implementing “zombie” audio (fixes #389)
GB Video: Improved video timings
GBA: Ignore invalid opcodes used by the Wii U VC emulator
GBA, GB: ROM is now unloaded if a patch is applied
GBA DMA: Refactor DMA out of memory.c
GBA DMA: Move DMAs to using absolute timing
GBA I/O: Clear JOYSTAT RECV flag when reading JOY_RECV registers
GBA I/O: Set JOYSTAT TRANS flag when writing JOY_TRANS registers
GBA Memory: Support for Mo Jie Qi Bing by Vast Fame (taizou)
GBA Memory: Support reading/writing POSTFLG
GBA Memory: Remove unused prefetch cruft
GBA Timer: Improve accuracy of timers
GBA Video: Clean up unused timers
GBA Video: Allow multiple handles into the same tile cache
GBA Video, GB Video: Colors are now fully scaled
GBA Video: Optimize when BLD* registers are written frequently
OpenGL: Add xBR-lv2 shader
Qt: Move last directory setting from qt.ini to config.ini
Qt: Improved HiDPI support
Qt: Expose configuration directory
Qt: Merge “Save” and “OK” buttons in shader options
Qt: Automatically load controller profile when plugged in
Qt: Rename “Resample video” option to “Bilinear filtering”
Qt: Remove audio thread
Qt: Remove audio buffer sizing in AudioProcessorQt
Qt: Re-enable QtMultimedia on Windows
Qt: Make “Mute” able to be bound to a key
Qt: Add .gb/.gbc files to the extension list in Info.plist
Qt: Relax hard dependency on OpenGL
Qt: Better highlight active key in control binding
SDL: Remove scancode key input
SDL: Automatically map controllers when plugged in
Test: Add a basic test suite
Util: Add size counting to Table
Util: Add 8-bit PNG write support
Util: Tune patch-fast extent sizes
VFS: Call msync when syncing mapped data
VFS: Allow truncating memory chunk VFiles
VFS: Fix some minor VFile issues with FILEs
VFS: Optimize expanding in-memory files
VFS: Add VFileFIFO for operating on circle buffers

Version 0.5.2
All: Fix fullscreen config option being ignored
ARM7: PSR mode bits should not get sign extended
GB: Fix audio not being deinitialized
GB: Fix crash when masking savedata
GB: Properly initialize sramRealVf variable
GB Audio: Fix serialization of channel 3 and NR52 properties
GB Audio: Reset envelope timer when reseting sound channel
GB MBC: Fix SRAM dangling pointer with RTC games
GB MBC: Fix initializing MBC when no ROM is loaded
GB Memory: Fix patching ROM bank 0
GB Memory: Fix starting HDMAs during mode 0
GB Memory: Fix HDMA5 value after DMA completes
GB Video: Initialize LCDC in renderer
GB Video: Hblank IRQs should mask LYC=LY IRQs
GBA: Fix IRQs firing after already being cleared
GBA: Only unhalt CPU if appropriate bit is set in IE
GBA: Add savegame override for Crash Bandicoot 2
GBA BIOS: Fix MidiKey2Freq BIOS reads
GBA BIOS: Fix invalid CpuSet not setting BIOS prefetch
GBA Cheats: Fix GameShark ROM patches
GBA I/O: Mask off WAITCNT bits that cannot be written
GBA Memory: Fix misaligned BIOS reads
GBA Memory: Fix VCOUNT being writable
GBA Video: Fix out of bounds sprite transforms
Libretro: Fix unterminated SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS
Libretro: Fix disabling BIOS
Libretro: Fix Game Boy savestates and audio
Qt: Fix changing resolution of software renderer
Qt: Fix setting overrides
Qt: Fix cut off tiles and alignment issues in tile viewer
Qt: Only reset window dimensions when first shown
Qt: Fix Qt Multimedia audio driver on big endian
Qt: Fix Apply button for key and controller configurations
VFS: Fix resizing memory chunks when not needed
Windows: Fix Unicode directory handling

GB, GBA: Prevent loading null ROMs
GB Audio: Initialize wave RAM to GBC values
GB Memory: Reset ROM bank when loading a ROM
PSP2: Improved controller rumble

Version 0.5.1

Core: Fix importing save games as read-only
FFmpeg: Fix encoding AAC
GB: Fix invalid STOP behavior on Game Boy Color
GB: Initialize audio properly
GB: Properly clear KEY1 bit 0 when switching speeds
GB: Properly unload save files when unloading a ROM
GB, GBA: Fix emulator hardlocking when halting with IRQs off
GB MBC: Fix MBC7 when size is incorrectly specified
GB MBC: Fix RTC access when no save file is loaded
GB SIO: Don’t auto-clock external shift clock
GB Video: Setting LYC=LY during mode 2 should trigger an IRQ
GB Video: Fix video frames getting missed when LCDC is off
GB Video: Clear screen when LCDC is off
GBA Cheats: Fix holding onto pointers that may get invalidated
GBA Cheats: Fix key-activated CodeBreaker cheats
GBA Cheats: Fix uninitialized memory getting freed when saving
GBA Hardware: Improve Game Boy Player rumble behavior
GBA Memory: Fix several unused I/O register read values
GBA Savedata: Fix loading savestates with 512Mb Flash saves
LR35902: Fix events running with the wrong cycle active
Qt: Fix “close” button on Overrides view
Qt: Fix saving overrides
Qt: Fix directory set unloading when replacing the ROM
Qt: Fix patch loading
Qt: Fix crash when saving an override if a game isn’t loaded
Qt: Fix showing default display driver as OpenGL (force 1.x)
SDL: Attach rumble in SDL frontend
Util: Fix PNG identification on files too small to be a PNG


All: Only update version info if needed
All: Split out install locations for Libretro and OpenEmu
FFmpeg: Encoding cleanup
GB: Reset active region when reloading ROM
GB Memory: Initialize RAM pattern for GBC
GB Video: Improved video timings
Qt: Manage window sizes slightly better
Qt: Remember scale option independent of core dimensions

Version 0.5.0
Game Boy support
Support for encrypted CodeBreaker GBA cheats
Emulation of Vast Fame protected GBA carts (taizou)
Tile viewer
Threaded rendering mode
Libretro: Memory map and achievement support (leiradel)
GUI: Add UI control remapping
GUI: Add fast-forward
Wii: 240p support
3DS: Adjustable screen darkening
Ability to temporarily load a savegame
Load specific files out of archives
Automatic BIOS detection

ARM7: Fix decoding of Thumb ADD (variants 5 and 6)
Debugger: Fix GDB breakpoints
GBA: Fix losing IRQs when CPSR I bit isn’t cleared
GBA: Fix filehandle leak with savegames
GBA: Timer 0 cannot be count up
GBA: Count up timers should not count themselves
GBA Memory: Fix mirror on non-overdumped Classic NES games
GBA Memory: Fix ldm {pc}
GBA Savedata: Fix savedata sync timer
GBA Savedata: Only unmap savedata if present
GBA Serialize: Savestates now properly store prefetch
GBA Video: WIN0/1 take priority over OBJWIN
GBA Video: Fix out-of-order OBJWIN
PSP2: Fix GPU crash while exiting
PSP2: Fix VSync
PSP2: Fix accelerometer range
PSP2: Actually load screen mode setting
PSP2: Fix gyroscope direction
PSP2: Delete threads after they return
PSP2: Fix mapping/unmapping from not at 0
Qt: Fix bug in software renderer scaling
Qt: Fix hanging key press after disabling autofire
Qt: Fix being unable to pause manually when using auto-pausing
SDL: Fix axes being mapped wrong
Util: Fix realloc semantics in utf16to8
Util: Fix inserting too many items into a hash table
VFS: Fix uninitialized varaible reading from 7z
VFS: Fix reading multiple files from a 7z archive
Wii: Fix framelimiting after a slowdown
Wii: Fix garbage flash at startup

3DS: Use blip_add_delta_fast for a small speed improvement
3DS: Allow UTF-16 filenames
3DS: Port to using citro3D
3DS: Use system font for menus
3DS: Attempt to use Core 2 for threads
3DS: Adjustable filering
3DS: 3D banner
All: Add QUIET parameter to silence CMake
All: Faster memory read/write
ARM7: Support forcing Thumb mode via MSR
ARM7: Flush prefetch cache when loading CPSR via MSR
ARM7: Clean up instruction decoding for future expandability
Debugger: Support register and memory writes via GDB stub
Debugger: Add software breakpoint support to gdb
FFmpeg: Full support for libavcodec 56+
GBA: Better debug logging if event processing breaks
GBA Audio: Force audio DMAs to not increment destination
GBA BIOS: Use custom ArcTan, not relying on OS
GBA Hardware: Clean up dead code in GBP
GBA Memory: Optimize stalling behavior
GBA Memory: Optimize Load-/StoreMultiple
GBA Savedata: Add realistic timing for EEPROM
GBA Serialize: Savestates now store if CPU was halted
GBA Video: Remove old slow path fallback
GBA Video: Optimize sprite drawing
GBA Video: Optimize mode 0 rendering
GBA Video: Optimize compositing cases slightly
GUI: Screenshot dimensions are now passed through
GUI: Add back logging
GUI: Only reload config if manually saved
GUI: Increase scrolling speed
OpenGL: Log shader compilation failure
OpenGL: Add texSize uniform
Qt: Make -g flag work in Qt build
Qt: Simplify OpenGL context creation
Qt: Thread startup improvements
Qt: Make audio channel/video layer options shortcut mappable
Qt: Remove some C99isms from C++ code
Qt: Remove default autofire mappings
Qt: Make reseting when pasued frame-accurate
Qt: Rearchitect game closing codepath
PSP2: Use system font for menus
PSP2: Add rumble for PS TV
PSP2: Add fit-to-height screen mode
PSP2: Sync files per descriptor
PSP2: Allow UTF-8 filenames
PSP2: Screenshots are now saved into the Photo Gallery
PSP2: Stop underclocking when menuing
SDL: Increase default audio buffer size to 1024 samples
SDL: More responsive rumble
Util: Add Vector GetConstPointer
Util: Add rtrim
Util: Add endswith
VFS: Improve zip file detection
Wii: Add pixelated resample filter
Windows: Add native VDir support
Util: Add PRIz macro for libc versions that don’t support %z

Quote :
mGBA is a new Game Boy Advance emulator written in C.

The project started in April 2013 with the goal of being fast enough to run on lower end hardware than other emulators support, without sacrificing accuracy or portability. Even in the initial version, games generally play without problems. It is loosely based on the previous GBA.js emulator, although very little of GBA.js can still be seen in mGBA.

Other goals include accurate enough emulation to provide a development environment for homebrew software, a good workflow for tool-assist runners, and a modern feature set for emulators that older emulators may not support.

mGBA is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, and the code can be found on GitHub.

http://mgba.io/ Site officiel : http://mgba.io/

Télécharger Télécharger mGBA v0.6.2: Emulateur GBA
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Fonctionne très bien je recommande .
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