[MAJ]postLoader 3.54.3 - News

[MAJ]postLoader 3.54.3

Posté par le 12/01/12 à 15:41:01
1863 affichages, 4 commentaires

postLoader, par stfour, est un utilitaire vous permettant de lancer des homebrews ou des forwarders, en autoboot ou manuellement, directement après le priiloader. Vous pouvez l'installer en autorun après le priilader en utilisant l'option "Load/Install File" de ce dernier.

Version 3.54.3
* Forgot to update internal build number

Version 3.54.2
* Added support for reset and power off buttons during screen saver
* Changed a bit the screensaver (but "basic" ramains :P). Timout is 2 min (not 1 min)

Version 3.53.3
- Ajout du DML au menu de jeu. ([home]->Game options->Show DML menu (ou pressez la flèche du haut sur la croix directionnelle de votre manette))

Version 3.53.2
- Changement de la détection pour sneek/uneek/neek2o.
- La configuration p13 est écrite avant de lancer le jeu.
- DML: Quand la région PAL est détectée, le mode vidéo sera défini en 576i. (Merci à zfa)

Version 3.53.1
- Ajout d'un patch d'options pour la video sram.

Version 3.53.0
- Ajout du support DML. (Merci à wiipower & neogamma pour l'exemple du code source)

Version 3.52.0
* Added theme selector (theme package > 2.0 required, read readmii inside package), press [home]->options->change theme
* Aligned disc launcher (di) module with latest wiiflow implementation
* Added video fix to (di) module
* Corrected WCF issue (neek2o)
* Fixed some variables names for grlib menu functions
* nandbooter to (b5)
* priibootergui to 0.3: corrected font reverse when no background png is available
* nandbooter aligned with triiforce (r96): Writing the title id to 0x80000000, might required for online WiiWare games (but online doesn't work)

Version 3.52.4
* Back to original appbooter. wiimc is instable also started from hbc (principally youtube).

Version 3.52.3
* Tested old appbooter with wiimc 1.2.

Version 3.51.1
* Added "Go to page" to channel/hb mode
* "Go to page" was not showing last one

Version 3.51.0
* Added game filters (to disable filters, press (2) and (-) to unmark all)
* Added game play count
* Added sorting by name/vote/playcount
* Added "Go to page" (press D-Pad down)
* Added support for multi-column menu in grlib
* Added usb live function. Every 30sec hdd is accessed to prevent sleeping
* Japanese covers shoud be downloaded now
* Added an option to GRRLIB to force PAL to 480i/480p. Not yet supported in pl3
* Forgotten a flag in GRRLIB

NOTE: maybe is required to clear all configuration files ( [home] -> Game options -> Reset config files )

image image

http://code.google.com/p/postloader/ Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/postloader/
http://gbatemp.net/t299384-postloader2?&st=0 Site officiel : http://gbatemp.net/t299384-postloader2?&st=0
http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/postLoader-3520-t26649.html Source : http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/postLoader-3520-t26649.html
télécharger Télécharger postLoader 3.54.3

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^ Déconnecté Attila
#2, posté le 16/01/12 à 18:13:52
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
merci ifear, j'en ai profité pour MAJ en 3.54.3
Choisir un Film : La meilleure solution quand on ne sait pas quel film regarder
^ Déconnecté sedes02
#3, posté le 21/01/12 à 16:50:08
213 messages
Apprenti parleur
version 3.56.1 disponible


Quote :
postLoader 3.56.1

* added a lot of additional checking and perfcounter for filesystem function (copy etc...)
* corrected game icon dimming for wii mode
* dml: fixed a bug that was preventing the installation of a new game from usb if there was enough space
* dml: copy process can be interrupted (this may need some more work...)

notes: ngc iso (already converted with DiscEX) must be copied in usb://ngc folder (primary FAT32 part).
postLoader will take care to copy to sd://games when required
Games icon from usb games are dimmed. Copying process is slow (1750 kb/s on my sd)
If there is no space on sd, postLoader will ask to delete some games.

postLoader 3.56.0

* postLoader can now move ngc iso from usb to sd (see notes)
* Updated fileop library
* Added usb gecko output

postLoader 3.55.0

* In game mode, d-pad [UP] will switch WII/GC(DML) mode (also [HOME]->Game options->Switch Wii/GC(DML) mode)
* now dml video mode (pal/ntsc) must be configured from game menu' (press on a game)

Source :http://code.google.com/p/postloader

^ Déconnecté Attila
#4, posté le 21/01/12 à 17:36:21
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
lol ça suffit les maj ^^
PS3 infos, toutes les news et tutoriaux du hack / jailbreak PS3
^ Déconnecté sedes02
#5, posté le 21/01/12 à 20:42:01
213 messages
Apprenti parleur
Quote Attila:
lol ça suffit les maj ^^


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