Bolt Thrower v0.70 - News

Bolt Thrower v0.70

Posté par le 29/07/12 à 01:17:00
1721 affichages, 1 commentaire

Titmouse est en train de développer un Shoot them up spatial : Bolt Thrower. Pour le moment, il s'agit d'une démo. Il n'y a donc pas d'objectif précis ou de mission.

Version 0.70
Added display thread for loading/updating
Changed the way enemies move
Small enemies now shoot back
Mines now do damage to a small area, before they could only take out one thing!
Added some new shielded enemies to the first mission
Moon now terraforms in 2nd to last mession
Made changes to the graphics
Scrolling credits
Last Mission is now a Survival Mission, things will hot up!
Note:v0.70 has been sitting on the self for 6 months; sure I’ve missed commenting various changes.

(Vidéo par nintendomax) Site officiel :
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