Neek2o rev95 - News

Neek2o rev95

Posté par le 22/11/12 à 20:20:34
2441 affichages, 3 commentaires

Mise à jour de neek2O, amélioration de Sneek de Crediar, par OverJoy et obcd. Celui-ci offre plusieurs fonctions supplémentaires par rapport à Sneek.

- Correction du support disque

- Aucune donnée

- Added configuration stuff for logging and disc read errors
- Added support to play Wii games from disc (for backups a DVDR compatible DVD
drive is required oc)
- Added block cache for WBFS_Encrypted_Read()
- Added support for most disc partition types (update, game and channel
installer) for disc and wbfs mode
- Decreased decrypted block cache for disc and wbfs mode from 5 to 3 blocks
- Fixed custom title support
- Fixed crash of FS-USB module when exiting a game on disc
- Fixed booting Wii games for Wiiflow
- Added new overlay menu option: "Load disc"
- Added menu option: "Autocreate log for DIP module"
- Added menu option: "Autocreate log for ES module"
- Added menu option: "Error Skipping Game Play"
- Added menu option: "Retry On Read Error"
- Added menu option: "Reset Configuration"
- Added menu options to rebuild nand and channel cache (check left/right on
"Recreate Game Cache")
- Added "Skip Disc Update Check" menu patch
- Added menu option for "Skip Disc Update Check" menu patch
- Added an ioctl to identify neek2o for Wiiflow (and other hb)
- Changed boot2 version to 65535
- Changed the way menu patches are applied
- Changed navigation in overlay menu (See below)
- Changed configuration for external apps:
* Fix: When no Title ID is given in config neek will boot into SM
* Added config option for return to title feature (and made it really work in
beta 5/beta 6)
- Fixed 4.1u Move disc channel hack (issue 21)
- Dirty fix ES_TitleCreatePath() function (WAD manager issue)
- Fixed ES_DeleteTicket()
- It's now possible to change the forced video mode in fake region mode (issue
- Removed dvd cover image support for overlay menu
- Removed obsolete region option in Sneek setting menu
- Removed support to show covers in overlay menu
- When a title tries to load an IOS thats not available we'll fall back to IOS56
now instead of that stupid blinking tray light thingy
- Priiloader is ignored now when it's installed on emulated nand
- Renamed menu option: "Error Skipping" in "Error Skipping Dumper"
- Added hack to speed up loading of "Little King's Story"
- Moved USB related ioctlv's to USB_Ioctlv()

New Navigation:

Menu hidden:
- Wiimote "1" / GC Pad "Start" : Will bring up the game menu (Channel menu if
no DI module is found)
- Wiimote "2" / GC Pad "Z" : Will bring up configuration menu's

Game menu:
- Wiimote "1" / GC Pad "Start" : Close menu
- Wiimote "2" / GC Pad "Z" : Switch to channel menu
- Wiimote "A" / GC Pad "A" : Load selected game
- Wiimote "B" / GC Pad "B" : Close menu
- Wiimote "+" / GC Pad "X" : Navigate through games alphabettically forward
- Wiimote "-" / GC Pad "Y" : Navigate through games alphabettically back
- Left/Right/Up/Down : Navigate through games

Channel menu:
- Wiimote "1" / GC Pad "Start" : Close menu
- Wiimote "2" / GC Pad "Z" : Switch to game menu
- Wiimote "A" / GC Pad "A" : Launch selected channel
- Wiimote "B" / GC Pad "B" : Switch to game menu
- Left/Right/Up/Down : Navigate through channels

Configuration menu:
- Wiimote "1" / GC Pad "Start" : Close menu
- Wiimote "2" / GC Pad "Z" : Close menu
- Wiimote "A" / GC Pad "A" : Action depends on selected menu item
- Wiimote "B" / GC Pad "B" : Close menu
- Wiimote "+" / GC Pad "X" : Navigate through menu pages up
- Wiimote "-" / GC Pad "Y" : Navigate through menu pages down
- Left/Right : Select options
- Up/Down : Navigate through menu

- Fix for ubisoft AP detection (tintin, driver SF and maybe more)

- Made a separate DI-module for USBneek2o
- Changed DM config version to v2
- IOSs < 28 are now redirected to IOS56
- FIX for loading speed PoP - Rival Swords
- FIX for remembering last used emulated nand if a external app uses an external
emulated nand with neek2o
- If an external app uses neek2o config to use an emulated nand outside the
/nands folder, neek2o config will store the path in its configuration
- WIP: Locking config files
- WIP: Fix for RB2 Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Neek2o rev95

Pages: 1
^ Déconnecté flowlapache
#1, posté le 28/11/12 à 19:03:52
148 messages
Apprenti parleur
Bonsoir, j'ai un jeu wiiware (et peut être d'autres) qui fonctionne en 88 mais pas avec la 95!!
Auriez vous une idée d'où cela pourrait venir? neek2o est bien region free pour les chaines?
merci - Humour image
^ Déconnecté intermet
#2, posté le 28/11/12 à 19:09:28
566 messages
Essaie de réactiver les hacks ou d'utiliser postloader ::)::
^ Déconnecté flowlapache
#3, posté le 28/11/12 à 20:25:55
148 messages
Apprenti parleur
merci pour le conseil mais avec postloader c'est me lance neekk2o au lieu du jeu après avoir fait la copie..bizarre, j'ai pas tout compris au fonctionnement de postloader.
Et qu'entends tu par réactiver les hacks? car je n'ai rien activé en 88. Il y a ce genre de réglages pour le lancement de chaine dans neek2o 95?

Pages: 1

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