Witgui 2.1.5 - News

Witgui 2.1.5

Posté par le 05/04/15 à 16:05:50
10471 affichages, 0 commentaire

Witgui est un manager de jeux Wii et GameCube pour Mac OS X.
Cette interface est basée sur wit (Wiimms ISO Tool) et wwt (Wiimms WBFS Tool).


Fonctionnalités :
listing of Wii and GameCube games on your Mac or on an external drive (FAT is natively supported, if you wish NTFS support you may want to install NTFS-3G first) and on WBFS partitions.
converting between .wbfs, .iso, .wdf, .ciso and .wia file formats, adding, removing and extracting games to/from WBFS partitions.

downloading localized cover images from gametdb.com.
parsing localized game details from the gametdb.com database.
searching your games or even the whole offline database.
renaming games with a custom format.
exporting a game list to plain text or html.

Version 2.1.5
The “Format as WBFS” and “Eject device” commands work again.

http://desairem.altervista.org/witgui/wordpress/ Site officiel : http://desairem.altervista.org/witgui/wordpress/
télécharger Télécharger Witgui 2.1.5

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