Nintendont sd/usb v3.334 : Backups GameCube sur SD/USB - News

Nintendont sd/usb v3.334 : Backups GameCube sur SD/USB

Posté par le 13/05/15 à 15:59:04
11730 affichages, 3 commentaires

Voici nintendont par crediar (et repris par d'autres personnes), un homebrew qui permet de lancer des backups de jeux gamecube depuis une carte SD ou clé USB.
Comme devolution, vous pourrez utiliser une manette GameCube, une Wiimote ou une autre manette USB (manette PS3) pour jouer.
Ca marche sur Wii et WiiU (mode Wii).

Voici la version reprise avec le code source de Crediar. Vous pouvez donc lancer d'autres jeux que Zelda.
Cette version est mixée avec une autre version compatible USB et vous pouvez donc a priori lire vos jeux depuis une carte SD ou une clé USB/disque dur USB.

Pour lire la longue liste des changements, vous pouvez aller aller voir ici.

Version 3.334
-this will be the last google code commit, everything else will be on, the internal updater will now grab files from there too
-updated download function to allow https downloads
-fixed a small bug in Patch31A0 which might've affected a few games

Version 3.333
-slightly decreased the wiiu pro controller stick sensitivity to more accurately represent the original gc controller
-added /codes/gameid.gct as possible cheatpath as requested

Version 3.332
-added a workaround for 007 from russia with love controller issues, it now just reports the game to be always connected
-modified the cheat file detection, now it checks in this order:
if a cheat path is given by a external usb loader it will try that first
if nothing was found in that path or it wasnt provided it will see if a "game.gct" file exists in the same folder as the "game.iso"
if no game.gct was found it will try to look for the gameid.gct (for example "GALP01.gct") in the same folder as the "game.iso"
if nothing was found it will look in "games/gameid/gameid.gct" (for example "games/GALP01/GALP01.gct")

Version 3.331
-properly fixed freekstyle timer, this way it should run more fluent

Version 3.330
-skipping __GXSetVAT patch for "butt ugly martians zoom or doom" so it doesnt blackscreen

Version 3.329
-added a dirty workaround for freekstyle running too quick, this is not an actual timer fix but more of a slowdown effect

Version 3.328
-restricted the aggressive timer patching to the hobbit, fixes various side problems such as pikmin 2 crashing and the gc bios slowing down
-changed the exi interrupt times a bit to further prevent lagging in the gc bios and in triforce games

Version 3.327
-added hunter the reckoning exception
-added missing audio stream playback check, fixes tony hawk pro skater 3 never pausing its audio stream

Version 3.326
- Aligning Version string to fasten file parsing (GreyWolf)

Version 3.325
-added back manual memory invalidation because some games (turok evolution) dont seem todo it on their own

Version 3.324
- Fixed autoboot with arguments if HID controller is connected (Thanks Airline38)
- Added version string for version detection by external loaders (Thanks GreyWolf)

Version 3.323
-cleaned up cheats code and made them work when booting games via bios

Version 3.322
-made the RADTimerRead more dynamic, fixes backyard football

Version 3.321
-added more timers and made the timer patches more agressive, fixes hitman 2 and hobbit
-added disneys haunted mansion to the arstartdma exception list

Version 3.320
-added back a slighly modified version of Patch31A0 because it appears to be needed in certain situations, also made some small modifications with the memory usage of patches
-slightly modified the game start process to make sure everything gets inited in the correct order Site officiel : Site officiel :
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Pages: 1
^ Déconnecté VinsCool
#1, posté le 14/05/15 à 02:07:26
358 messages
Oh superbe! Merci d'avoir mis à jour la version sur wii-info ::):: - Humour image
^ Déconnecté Attila
#2, posté le 15/05/15 à 02:03:30
23127 messages
Dieu des dieux
merci pour la news :)

petit erreur dans le changelog, c'est passé en version 3, je sais pas quand
^ Déconnecté orwel
#3, posté le 15/05/15 à 12:00:02
8985 messages
Dieu des dieux
Exact, passé en v3 depuis la r304. J'ai corrigé ::p::

Pages: 1

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