Emulateur NES: FCE Ultra GX 3.4.0 - News

Emulateur NES: FCE Ultra GX 3.4.0

Posté par le 27/08/18 à 18:10:45
11608 affichages, 0 commentaire

Voici un émulateur NES/Famicom par askot.altair, dsbomb, dborth et Tantric.

Version 3.4.0
Updated to the latest FCEUX core
Updated color palettes (thanks Tanooki16!)
Allow loader to pass two arguments instead of three (libertyernie)
Added PocketNES interoperability (load ROMs and read/write SRAM)
Fixed audio pop when returning to a game from the menu
Added option to not append " Auto" on saves
Added soft and sharp video filtering options
Removed update check completely
Compilation fixes for DevkitPPC


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