Nintendont v0.1 Zelda Preview Alpha: Backups GameCube sur SD - News

Nintendont v0.1 Zelda Preview Alpha: Backups GameCube sur SD

Posté par le 21/09/13 à 16:57:01
6068 affichages, 29 commentaires

Voici une preview de nintendont par crediar, un homebrew qui permet de lancer des backups de jeux gamecube depuis une carte SD.
Comme devolution, vous pourrez utiliser une manette GameCube, une Wiimote ou une autre manette USB (manette PS3) pour jouer.
Ca marche sur Wii et WiiU (mode Wii).

Cette preview ne lance que THE LEGEND OF ZELDA The Wind Waker EUR/JAP/USA.

Votre jeu doit être en iso à l'emplacement :
sd:/games/(ce que vous voulez)/game.iso


The usage of HID devices is controlled via the nintendont config but forced on Wii U.

When using HID a sd:/controller.ini must be present, a few samples are supplied.

Nintendont uses a config file which is stored at sd:/nincfg.bin see nincfg.h.

Loaders can use the auto boot flag in the config to directly boot games.

When using the PS3 controller you must press the PS button first.

When using the GC controller you can use R+Z+B+DPad-Down to shut down the console,
when using a HID controller you have to map the Power entry to use this feature.

On the first boot it will create a new memory card which takes some time.

Error codes:

When nintendont is loading a game you will see a running number unless it
reaches 7 something went wrong:

-1: Kernel failed to load
0: ES init failed
1: SD init failed
2: FAT init failed
3: CFG init failed
4: HID init failed
5: DI init failed
6: CARD init failed (It will wait here while creating a new memory card)

If SD or FAT fail your SD card is probably not compatible.

HID can fail if there are mistakes in the controller.ini or the controller isn't

DI fails if something is wrong with your game ISO.

ES has a rare chance of crashing just reset your Wii/Wii U.


Either copy the Nintendont folder into your apps folder or directly load
the .dol by any means.

When loaded directly Nintendont looks for games at:


HID Controller Config:

You need my tool called HIDTest to determinate the values.

Most entries should be obvious.

All values are in hex, do not use the 0x prefix.

Use 1 (so far only the PS3 controller needed 0)

Certain pads use bits for each DPad direction other use numbers going
form 0 to 7 for each direction.

An easy test for this is if one direction doesn't change any bits then
use 1 and fill in all 8 values for the DPAD otherwise use 0 and just fill
in the four values. (see examples)

The rest uses [Button]=[offset],[mask] offset starts at 0.

télécharger Télécharger Nintendont v0.1 Zelda Preview Alpha: Backups GameCube sur SD

Pages: 2
^ Déconnecté VinsCool
#31, posté le 10/10/13 à 12:16:55
358 messages
Oui prochainement.
iPhone info, tout le hack, jailbreak, désimlock iPhone iPad iPod
^ Déconnecté bruce477
#32, posté le 14/10/13 à 16:06:46
7 messages
Petit nouveau
Comment faire pour jouer avec une wiimote avec une manette classique car chez moi j'ai le jeu mais je ne peux pas jouer sur ma wii.

^ Déconnecté VinsCool
#33, posté le 16/10/13 à 20:46:06
358 messages
On ne peut pas (encore).

Pages: 2

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