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Posté par Attila le le 16/07/09 à 17:26:03
8630 affichages, 19 commentaires
Comme indiqué précédemment, la Wii en 4.1 était sortie au Japon pour corriger un problème lié a la vidéo d'introduction du Wii Motion+ qui se jouait à chaque démarrage du jeu au lieu de juste la première fois.

Cette mise à jour est maintenant sortie en Europe (4.1E) et aux Etats Unis (4.1U).

Toutes les failles de la version 4.0 demeurent fonctionnelles, et donc BannerBomb ainsi que l'Homebrew Channel continuent de fonctionner.

Posté par Attila le le 15/07/09 à 12:22:15
2124 affichages, 4 commentaires

SignCheck par The_Lemon_Man est un homebrew qui permet de savoir quels IOS de votre Wii contiennent la faille Trucha Signer, peuvent accéder a la NAND, a l'USB2 et au Boot2.
S'ils le contiennent tous, vous pouvez lancer des disques trucha signés avec tous les IOS.

Un tableau récapitulatif signCheck.csv sera créé à la racine de la carte SD.

Version 0.3a
- Correction d'un problème d'entête dans le fichier csv.

Version 0.3
- Réécrit complètement
- Vérifie tous les IOS installés.
- Ajout des autres vérifications de l'USB, NAND et Boot2. Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger SignCheck 0.3a

Posté par Snouki le le 15/07/09 à 10:50:04
1757 affichages, 13 commentaires
Sony vient de mettre en ligne un petit utilitaire qui vous permettra d'éteindre complétement votre console (LED rouge).

Il a été fait afin de corrigé un bug présent dans preloader qui ne permet pas d'éteindre totalement votre console. Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger PowerMii off

Posté par Snouki le le 14/07/09 à 15:09:24
25866 affichages, 234 commentaires
Voici un petit extrait d'une conversation entre DarkJesus et Waninkoko concernant la rev14 , il semblerait que cette rev soit une mini révolution pour le hack de la wii.

En effet, il est prévu qu'elle émule directement la nand depuis la SD, que l'on lance WW ,VC et systeme menu aussi depuis la SD. La date de sorti n'est pas encore très claire mais elle sera la avant la fin Juillet et Wii-Info ne manquera pas de vous la distribué.

Quote :
All times are GMT+1 // Det1re

[23:44:28] •›› Topic: [waninkoko] changes topic to [rev14 release: One day of July (maybe this week, biggest feature is finished) | Error 002 ? Use Rev13b OR get a proper loader EG: !neogamma | Have you got an USB Gecko? Contact Waninkoko | THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, USE IT!]
[23:44:29] •›› Join: [xabarasx] [[email protected]]
[23:44:30] [DarkJesus] I also have bootmii...
[23:44:41] [DarkJesus] waninkoko, cool
[23:44:48] [T__T] if you have bootmii installed as boot 2 go for it.
[23:44:55] [DarkJesus] Yeah, exactly
[23:44:56] [@waninkoko] the testings I have done of this feature are... weird xD
[23:44:59] [DarkJesus] I forgot about it actually :D
[23:45:02] [T__T] just make a backup.
[23:45:02] [@waninkoko] but it's working extremely well
[23:45:16] [DarkJesus] waninkoko, you like the leave the features as a surprise, eh?
[23:45:24] [@waninkoko] it's not a surprise
[23:45:31] [@waninkoko] i talked about it at softmii
[23:45:41] [DarkJesus] I must have missed that
[23:45:47] [@waninkoko] but i think no body knows about it
[23:45:47] [@waninkoko] xD
[23:45:53] [Kyogc] I can log in their irc
[23:46:02] [@waninkoko] well
[23:46:04] [@waninkoko] i can tell now
[23:46:11] [DarkJesus] Please do
[23:46:11] [@waninkoko] it's a nand emulator
[23:46:18] [@waninkoko] I have a copy of a NAND in my SD card
[23:46:26] [DarkJesus] Hmm
[23:46:29] [@waninkoko] and i was able to launch Mii channel, VC titles, System Menu, install WADs
[23:46:29] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[23:46:33] [DarkJesus] I know what both of those words mean, but not together
[23:46:38] [DarkJesus] Oh, that sounds pretty sick
[23:46:50] [Kyogc] loading NAND from SD?
[23:46:51] [@waninkoko] right now my NAND is not the NAND, it's my SD :P
[23:46:53] [DarkJesus] Sorry if this sounds insulting or offensive but...what's the point in that?
[23:46:54] [@waninkoko] yup
[23:47:01] [Kyogc] wow!!!
[23:47:04] [xabarasx] does it work on all serials
[23:47:07] [@waninkoko] well, more space, testing more easy, etc.
[23:47:08] [Kyogc] which means no brick
[23:47:10] [@waninkoko] it should
[23:47:17] [DarkJesus] Oh right, cool
[23:47:29] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[23:48:00] [xabarasx] so if your NAND is suppoed to be 512MB can you actually have a 'NAND' thats the entire SD?
[23:48:05] [@waninkoko] yes
[23:48:08] [@waninkoko] it works under FAT
[23:48:14] [DarkJesus] Oh, cool
[23:48:26] [@waninkoko] I tried a NAND copy bushing gave me of his NAND some time ago
[23:48:31] [@waninkoko] i was able to launch his mii channel
[23:48:33] [@waninkoko] and see his miis
[23:48:35] [@waninkoko] lol
[23:48:50] [xabarasx] so when you do that are you using his SM?
[23:49:00] [ramo34] nice job waninkoko
[23:49:03] [@waninkoko] what u mean
[23:49:07] [@waninkoko] oh
[23:49:14] [@waninkoko] the nand emulator needs to be enabled with an application
[23:49:16] [xabarasx] like are you running his system menu from the NAND on SD
[23:49:26] [@waninkoko] yes
[23:49:34] [@waninkoko] i launched his system menu
[23:49:40] [@waninkoko] i'm going to try USB support
[23:49:48] [@waninkoko] it should work
[23:50:09] [@waninkoko] oh
[23:50:13] [@waninkoko] savegames work
[23:50:14] [xabarasx] thats pretty cool... so with his NAND you have all his DLC and everything...
[23:50:20] [@waninkoko] i just launched Zelda NES from SD
[23:50:24] [@waninkoko] and savegame is in the SD
[23:50:51] [xabarasx] so what about the Friend code and everything would that be in the NAND
[23:51:03] [@waninkoko] well
[23:51:08] [@waninkoko] i think...
[23:51:11] [DarkJesus] waninkoko, how are the speeds compared to normal?
[23:51:26] [@waninkoko] i think when i used bushing's nand i have bushing's friend code lol
[23:51:33] [@waninkoko] speeds... didn't benchmark yet
[23:51:33] [xabarasx] so what if you were running the same exact NAND as someone else and tried to play a game online
[23:51:37] [DarkJesus] Yeah, you probably would
[23:51:37] [@waninkoko] but i think a little slowe
[23:51:40] [@waninkoko] at least with SD
[23:51:50] •›› Join: [giantpune] [[email protected]]
[23:52:12] •›› Join: [Blind] [[email protected]]
[23:53:00] [@waninkoko] also, region change is very easy now :P
[23:53:05] •›› Quit: [spO`] [[email protected]]
[23:53:13] [@waninkoko] and i just tested USB support and works
[23:53:21] [@waninkoko] extremely slow but i can improve that a lot
[23:54:00] [xabarasx] lol.. WII VC
[23:54:00] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[23:54:12] [giantpune] would anyone care to fill me in on what i just missed in PM?
[23:54:14] •›› Join: [SiM99] [[email protected]]
[23:54:59] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[23:55:05] [@waninkoko] well, SM is a bit... unstable now
[23:55:11] [@waninkoko] but VC/WiiWare is really really stable
[23:55:35] [xabarasx] so what is the advantage to emulatoing NAND to play VC/Wiiware
[23:55:35] •›› Quit: [ramo34] [[email protected]] [Excess Flood]
[23:55:49] [@waninkoko] mmmm
[23:55:49] •›› Quit: [st3ffen_] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[23:55:50] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[23:55:51] •›› Join: [ramo34] [[email protected]]
[23:55:52] [@waninkoko] much more space
[23:55:56] [@waninkoko] savegames in SD/USB
[23:56:12] [xabarasx] but you can already load VC and Wiiware from SD and USB
[23:56:29] •›› Quit: [|[Pennywise]|] [[email protected]] [Success]
[23:56:29] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[23:56:29] •›› Join: [st3ffen] [[email protected]]
[23:56:53] [DarkJesus] It would be portable too, you could bring an SD card to a friend's house and run your NAND on their wii
[23:56:56] •›› Quit: [ramo34] [[email protected]] [Excess Flood]
[23:56:59] [xabarasx] actually that is a good could fit a lot more DLC on the 'NAND' SD without having to constantly backup and restore
[23:57:11] •›› Join: [ramo34] [[email protected]]
[23:57:59] [xabarasx] but lets just say I ran Guitar Hero from a USB backup... and i had my NAND on an SD and I wanted to load more DLC from an SD how would I do that
[23:58:47] [Adr990] Sweet Waninkoko :D even better than I thought you where talking about! ^_^ this is gonna be AWESOME!!! Amazing bro... just amazing... (And not worries anymore about NAND writes etc..) amazing...
[23:59:01] [Adr990] Also.. my USB Gecko again can come anytime now.. :/
[23:59:17] [@waninkoko] heh, now you know why i wanted a copy of your nand in a sd? xD
[23:59:48] [Adr990] xP
[00:00:12] [Adr990] I already had it for you here, with Nicksasa's FS ToolBox. :)
[00:00:21] [Adr990] Really awesome... wonderfull
[00:00:32] [giantpune] so if somebody gets banned for cheating at mariokart wii, they will now be able to run the same wii with a different nand and cheat again?
[00:00:56] [Blind] did you get banned again pune>?
[00:00:56] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[00:01:24] [imgoofygoober] haha
[00:01:28] [Adr990] I never got banned
[00:01:35] [imgoofygoober] awesome update waninoko
[00:01:35] [giantpune] cheating wouldnt even help me
[00:01:38] [Adr990] but in fact yes
[00:01:41] [imgoofygoober] way better than i expected
[00:01:50] [Adr990] you also can use the Nintendo Backup Disc
[00:01:52] [Adr990] or a cheat
[00:01:58] [Adr990] (World of Volder)
[00:01:59] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[00:02:01] [Adr990] WB Nick
[00:02:04] [Adr990] :)
[00:02:45] [imgoofygoober] i think when this hits the web , the possibilities are endless. .. basically the Nanad will be easily acessible to all
[00:03:17] [imgoofygoober] wow we could make the wii our little bitches
[00:03:41] [imgoofygoober] and change the code to run all kinds of kinky stuff
[00:03:56] [imgoofygoober] thanks alot , this is gonna be life changing
[00:04:53] [Adr990] Hmm, the nand emulator can be runned in the boot process or via HBC?
[00:05:39] [Adr990] (If you have Preloader you just can make a DolForwarder for Preloader though and load the Nand Emulator :p )
[00:06:10] [Adr990] And preloader can be installed on any wii (with the IOS36 Patcher eventually)
[00:06:53] [Adr990] This may also means that all Wii's that can run Homebrew (and eventually Preloader for autoboot this :p ) Can hack their Wii again no matter what?
[00:07:02] [Adr990] I mean you can hard change the NAND via your PC.
[00:07:11] [Adr990] (that is on your SD Card ;) )
[00:07:13] [giantpune] so i guess this means i can try out system menu4.0 before i actually put it on my wii
[00:07:35] [Endymi0n] yey for huge bricks :D
[00:07:36] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[00:07:55] [giantpune] its the vmware of the wii
[00:07:57] [Endymi0n] not because of this tool but because of people
[00:08:14] [Adr990] Nah, how about... Ultimate unbrick ablility? Even if you have no NAND backup
[00:08:15] [Adr990] hehe
[00:08:31] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[00:08:34] [@waninkoko] you still need your nand ok to boot your wii
[00:09:02] [Adr990] That the size (blocks) are based on your SD Card now and saves get saved on your SD card is really ... weird.. and cool... wondering how Nintendo wins of Fails now.. :p
[00:09:10] [Adr990] ahh yes
[00:09:11] [Adr990] hehe
[00:09:51] [Adr990] Maybe make it Loading at Boot2 :P (if it is a older Wii. Below LU64 etc)
[00:12:39] •›› Quit: [Kyogc] [[email protected]] ["—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.1 (December '08)"]
[00:12:59] [theChriss`afk] waninkoko? you still searching for someone with usb-gecko?
[00:13:04] •›› Nick: [theChriss`afk] is now known as [theChriss]
[00:13:08] [@waninkoko] not anymore
[00:13:13] [theChriss] ah okay :)
[00:13:19] [DarkJesus] OK, made loadstructor channels for all the games on my flashdrive, apart from wii sports resort. I knew it would be problematic
[00:13:26] [theChriss] because its in the topic
[00:13:27] [DarkJesus] Has anyone made a loadstructor channel for it?


[00:42:28] [hydra__] what's the biggest feature of rev14?
[00:42:28] •›› Quit: [theChriss] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[00:47:05] •›› Join: [Adr] [[email protected]]
[00:47:09] [Adr] hmm oops
[00:47:11] [Adr] :/
[00:47:11] •›› Join: [Oerg866] [[email protected]]
[00:47:13] [Adr] here we go again
[00:47:28] [Adr] kick Adr990 :P (or he will time/ping out anyways soon.)
[00:48:24] [hydra__] What's the biggest feature of rev14?
[00:48:40] [Endymi0n] nand emulator
[00:48:49] [hydra__] what does it allow?
[00:49:15] [hydra__] nand is low level memory or something?
[00:49:39] [giantpune] you can dump the nand of your PS3 and play it on the wii
[00:49:40] •›› Quit: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]] [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[00:49:51] [Endymi0n] 23:46] <waninkoko> and i was able to launch Mii channel, VC titles, System Menu, install WADs
[00:50:03] [Endymi0n] from his sd
[00:50:17] [Kyogc] wow! so, it will be 1080P
[00:50:31] •›› Join: [Nicksasa] [[email protected]]
[00:50:35] [giantpune] it will be 10000000080p
[00:50:53] • Endymi0n pukes on the whole channel
[00:50:58] [Adr] Uhh, do you really need Rev14 for the NAND Emulator? 0_o
[00:51:01] [PureDark] but they dont broadcat in 1million80p
[00:51:16] [Adr] (not that I wouldn't like rev14 :P )
[00:51:17] [Kyogc] I don't have a TV can support that.... sad....
[00:51:35] [PureDark] stupid directtv commercial...
[00:51:38] [PureDark] :P
[00:54:04] [hydra__] the black screen after 1st game played from usb loader will be fixed in r14?

Alors sur ce, wait and see... Sources :

Posté par Snouki le le 14/07/09 à 07:54:42
2841 affichages, 9 commentaires
Crédiar vient de mettre en ligne une première version Béta public de son fameux Sytème menu personnalisable, j'ai nommé Freedom.

Quote :
Current features

* very basic UI
* Controlable via GC/Wiimote/Classic Controler
* Wii Game loading with correct IOS of any region #
* GC Game loading of any region #
* Channel loading ('by hand' and by IOS) of any region #
* Basic Vorbis playback with short tag info
* Unencrypted savegame backup to SD
* Wiiload support (net only, no USBGecko yet)
* Debug output via USBGecko #
* Changeable background picture
* Own settings.txt and SYSCONF handler, able to change most settings
* Wadimporter

Planned features

note: this isn't a fixed list just some things I have in mind

* Better UI (maybe someone can supply some fancy art)
* Changeable font
* Changeable button layout
* Savegame restore
* Channel backup/restore
* Picture viewer
* Video playback
* DVD playback
* .elf/.dol loading from SD/USB/..
* Cheating for Wii games and channels #
* Changeable text (multilangual)

Attention , pour que ce programme fonctionne vous devez désinstaller DVDX , car incompatible. (Ainsi que les VC et WW pirate lol) Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Freedom beta public

Posté par Snouki le le 13/07/09 à 22:40:46
1637 affichages, 3 commentaires

Conanac vient de mettre en ligne un petit utilitaire pour les amoureux de Animal Crossing.

En effet ce programme permet de connaitre le prix des navets dans la semaine.

Pour l'utiliser il vous faudra mettre votre save dans /WIiSAVES/RUUE et le renommer RVFOREST.DAT. Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Turnip 0.1

Posté par Snouki le le 13/07/09 à 20:39:22
1890 affichages, 3 commentaires
Brian vient de mettre en ligne un portage de ONScripter sur Wii, il s'agit d'un lecteur Visual Novel

Quote :

* Fixed bug preventing Tsukihime from working
* Changed path delimiter to semicolon
* Mouse no longer leaves trail


Mettre les jeux dans /apps/onscripter/games Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger ONScripter WII v07.2009a

Posté par Snouki le le 13/07/09 à 20:35:43
1225 affichages, 0 commentaires

Wii Space est un nouvel homebrew pour la Wii créer par Seiken.

Vous contrôler un petit triangle et vous devez éliminer d'autres formes géométriques comme des rectangles, des carrés, etc...
Beaucoup de petits bonus vous faciliterons la tache comme des vies, des boucliers, ou encore des nouveaux projectiles

Version 1.2a
-Correction de plusieurs bug sur le niveau secret

image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger WiiSpace 1.2a

Posté par Snouki le le 12/07/09 à 09:34:46
2268 affichages, 2 commentaires

WiiRadio par Scanff, comme son nom l'indique, permet de lire des webradios (au format shoutcast).
Copiez le dossier "radiow" dans le dossier "apps" sur la carte SD.

Version 0.4:
- Ajout du support des M3U
- Ajout de 3 visuels
- Mise en tampon dynamique basée sur le débit du flux
- Ajout d'autres options (Bientot)
- Icone Mute pour couper le son
- Ajout d'infomation sur le stream en appuyant sur Bouton 1 Wiimote
- Autres bugs corrigé Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger WiiRadio 0.4

Posté par Snouki le le 12/07/09 à 07:24:52
1560 affichages, 0 commentaires
Davi92 a modifié le fichier shared2clean pour pouvoir ainsi supprimer lors d'un downgrade, les fichiers généré par le preloader et DVDX 3.4 du système menu.

Vous avez le choix de supprimer les fichiers séparément.

Sources inclus dans l'archive. Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger NandClean

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