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Posté par Attila le le 01/04/14 à 23:34:06
7876 affichages, 13 commentaires

Voici une preview de nintendont par crediar, un homebrew qui permet de lancer des backups de jeux gamecube depuis une carte SD.
Comme devolution, vous pourrez utiliser une manette GameCube, une Wiimote ou une autre manette USB (manette PS3) pour jouer.
Ca marche sur Wii et WiiU (mode Wii).

Voici la version reprise avec le code source de Crediar (voir la news à ce sujet). Vous pouvez donc lancer d'autres jeux que Zelda. Enfin en théorie.
Cette version est mixée avec une autre version compatible USB et vous pouvez donc a priori lire vos jeux depuis une carte SD ou une clé USB/disque dur USB.

Pour lire la longue liste des changements, vous pouvez aller aller voir ici.

Votre jeu doit être en iso à l'emplacement :
sd:/games/(ce que vous voulez)/game.iso Site officiel : Source :
télécharger Télécharger Nintendont sd/usb r44: Backups GameCube sur SD/USB

Posté par Attila le le 10/03/14 à 22:18:29
3899 affichages, 4 commentaires

RetroArch est un émulateur multi plates formes utilisant la libRetro, et permettant ainsi d'avoir le même code pour les versions Wii, Xbox, pc etc, et la libRetro s'occupe de tout ce qui est spécifique à la plate forme.


Mupen64 – W coordinate for vertices now properly set according to per-game depth bias. Should fix most of the texture wobbling issues in games.
Mupen64 – Fixed ‘No Controller connected’ issue in Banjo-Tooie.
Mupen64 – Uses refactored audio RSP plugin, includes numerous fixes such as improved MusyX support, etc.
Mupen64 – Glide64 refactoring - Optimized dither noise code – is now done on the GPU entirely.
Mupen64 – Glide64 refactoring – codebase has been cleaned up significantly, code duplication cut down on.
Mupen64 – (Non-mobile versions) – Three-point filtering option instead of just bilinear filtering. The N64 used an inferior form of bilinear filtering called 3-sample (or 3-point) filtering. Textures were made with this in mind so many look a lot better with point filtering vs. bilinear.
Screenshot comparison here:
Genesis Plus GX – Aspect ratio changes are now applied correctly.
Genesis Plus GX – Other changes.
Mednafen VB – Added Core Options for Virtual Boy – Anaglyph/Palette.
Mednafen (All) – Should correctly save SRAM to save directory now.
SNES9x – Memory leak fixes and some other improvements.
Nestopia – Core updates.
3DEngine – New core. A combination of all other 3D tech demos so far along with advanced libretro features like camera support, GPS/location services, etc. Can also be used to display still pictures (JPEG/PNG). JPEG support is buggy right now.
VBA-M – Adds Code Breaker/Game Shark support (by using cheat files).
FBA core – No more hardcoded 1024×1024 frame buffer – is now set dynamically. Should in most cases free up around 3MB of system RAM.

RetroArch GX – Gamecube/Wii
- More screen resolutions.
- Overlay support.
- Faster blitting – inlined lots of GX functions. Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger RetroArch v1.0.0.2 : Emulateur Multi Plates formes

Posté par Attila le le 27/02/14 à 17:19:40
5736 affichages, 35 commentaires

Comme vous le savez certainement, au bout d'un certain nombre d'années les éditeurs de jeux ferment les serveurs en ligne afin de réduire les coûts de jeux qui deviennent vieillissants.
Malheureusement Nintendo vient lui aussi de suivre cette tendance et vous ne pourrez donc plus jouer aux jeux Nintendo après le 20 mai 2014.

Passé cette date, voici les jeux Wii et Wiiware qui ne fonctionneront plus :
Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Battalion Wars 2
Boom Street
Dr. Mario & Bactéricide
Démo de Dr. Mario
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean 2 : Aventuriers des fonds marins
Excitebike World Challenge
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Sports Mix
Mario Strikers Charged Football
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Samurai Warriors 3
Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Last Story
ThruSpace™ High Velocity 3D Puzzle
Trauma Center New Blood
WarioWare: Do It Yourself Showcase
Wii Echecs

Les chaines suivantes seront aussi supprimées :
Chaîne TV Kirby
Chaîne Mario Kart
Chaîne Wii Speak

Cependant, les autres chaines restent, à savoir :
Chaîne Internet
Navigateur Nintendo DS
Navigateur Nintendo DSi
Boutique Nintendo DSi
Connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo Pay & Play
Chaîne boutique Wii

Concernant la DS/DSi, voici les jeux qui seront amputés du mode en ligne :
100 livres classiques
42 Jeux Indémodables
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Custom Robo Arena
Diddy Kong Racing DS
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven 2 : Tempête de Glace
Inazuma Eleven 2 : Tempête de Feu
Jam with the Band
Mario Kart DS
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : La Marche des Mini
Mario vs. Donkey Kong : Pagaille à Mini- Land !
Mario vs. Donkey Kong : Le Retour des Mini !
Metal Torrent™
Metroid Prime Hunters
Nintendo présente : La Maison du Style
Picross 3D
Picross DS
Pokémon Version Noire
Pokémon Version Noire 2
Pokémon Conquest
Pokémon Version Diamant
Pokémon Version Or HeartGold
Pokémon Donjon Mystère : Explorateurs de l'Ombre
Pokémon Donjon Mystère : Explorateurs du Ciel
Pokémon Donjon Mystère : Explorateurs du Temps
Pokémon Version Perle
Pokémon Version Platine
Pokémon Ranger : Sillages de Lumière
Pokémon Ranger : Nuit sur Almia
Pokémon Argent SoulSilver
Pokémon Version Blanche
Pokémon Version Blanche 2
Professeur Layton et la Boîte de Pandore
Professeur Layton et l'Étrange Village
Professeur Layton et le Destin Perdu
Professeur Layton et l'Appel du Spectre
Puzzle League DS
Star Fox Command
Sujin Taisen : La Guerre des Chiffres
Tenchu: Dark Secret
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Marche avec moi - Quel est ton rythme?
WarioWare: Do It Yourself

C'est une page qui se ferme et je sens qu'un grand nombre d'entre vous seront attristés par la nouvelle. Site officiel :

Posté par Attila le le 25/02/14 à 18:56:01
2334 affichages, 0 commentaires

Owen nous livre Newo Asteroids, un jeu du style "Asteroids". Vous devez détruire des astéroides du système solaire pour ramener la paix dans la galaxie.


Version 2.8 - February 24, 2014
Added loading screen
Added Auto Update
Fixed Http bug which caused leaderboard to load slowly
Leaderboard statistics now has its own website
Updated engine libraries, fixed animation bugs, updated menus Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Newo Asteroids v2.8: Shoot spatial

Posté par orwel le le 09/02/14 à 13:09:16
3596 affichages, 2 commentaires

Voici un outil made by JoostinOnline et stfour. Settings Editor permet de modifier divers options du système de la console.


Permet de modifier:
- la résolution de l'écran
- l'aspect ratio
- la position de la sensor bar
- le mode sonore
- la vibration de la wiimote
- le mode d'arrêt
- la sensibilité de la wiimote
- le Wii connect 24
- les paramètres d'internet (pour ainsi booter dessus)
Note: Vous ne pourrez pas changer ces paramètres si vous ne les avez pas changés au moins une fois dans les Options Wii


Version 2.0
- You can now define settings in ploader/present.cfg and quick-load them. This is paticularly useful on the Wii U, because it resets some of your settings on boot. You can also set what channel to exit to.
- Updated some of the postLoader code.
- Changed license to GPL v3.0.
- Greatly improved the speed of debug logging.
- Fixed the bug where the wrong resolution was displayed on the Wii U.
- Improved method for detecting the Wii U (thanks crediar).
- Updated libruntimeiospatch.
- Video mode is no longer hidden on the vWii, as it can be used to enable Progressive Scan on Devolution. Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Settings Editor GUI v2.0

Posté par orwel le le 09/02/14 à 12:57:43
2620 affichages, 0 commentaires

GCN MemCard Recover est une application compatible Windows et Linux servant à récupérer des données de cartes mémoires GameCube corrompues ou formatées.

Le programme marche avec des dumps de carte mémoire fait avec GCMM.

Glissez et déposez votre dump de sauvegarde sur l'application et vous aurez une liste de jeux dessus. En faisant scanner, vous aurez une liste des sauvegardes corrompues ou formatées que vous pourrez restaurer avec le bouton save qui exporte une sauvegarde en GCI.

Version 0.2
Stability has been improved. In particular, the custom model for the QTreeView now handles all required signals correctly.
Some parts of the program now utilize C++ 2011 functionality. A compatibility header has been included for older compilers.
The toolbar that was formerly located in the "Memory Card" view is now a window toolbar, and contains additional items, such as the "Preferred Region" selection.
Added preliminary support for displaying scanning progress in the taskbar. Currently, only the D-Bus DockManager protocol is supported. Support for Ubuntu's Unity and Windows 7 will be added later.
GcImage and Checksum functions have been split out into their own library, libgctools. This library depends on libpng but does not depend on Qt.
Added support for the Qt translation system. Currently, translations for en_US, en_GB, es_CL, and "1337" are included.
Fixed some corner cases with full memory card images and certain save files.
Support for Japanese save files is improved.
Added preliminary support for compiling with Microsoft Visual C++. The primary distributions will still be compiled with gcc/MinGW.
Banners and icons can now be exported as image files. Banners and non-animated icons are always exported as PNG. Icons can be exported as APNG, PNG (file per frame), PNG (vertical strip), and PNG (horizontal strip).
Added "Preferred Region" support. Some games don't have any way to determine the region by simply looking at the description, and in some cases, might be identical in every way other than the region code in the game ID. "Preferred Region" allows you to specify which region you want to prefer in the case that multiple save files in different regions are detected.
Added support for multiple database files. The included databases are now split by region, e.g. USA, JPN, etc. Homebrew and Unlicensed titles are also contained in their own databases.
Added a new utility "gcbanner". This utility can extract banner images and icons from GameCube BNR1 and BNR2 opening.bnr files as well as Wii save files (both raw banner.bin and encrypted save files). Animated icons can be extracted to the same formats supported by GCN MemCard Recover's icon extraction function. Banners and static icons are always extracted in PNG format.
The current directory and block tables can now be switched on the fly. This may allow for easier recovery of files that were deleted in the GameCube file manager, as long as no other files have been saved or updated in the meantime.
Added a "top-secret" easter egg. :)

image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger GCN MemCard Recover 0.2

Posté par Attila le le 29/01/14 à 02:22:41
5155 affichages, 3 commentaires

Voici CTGP Revolution, un pack de custom tracks pour mario kart, crée par MrBean35000vr and Chadderz. Une bonne centaine de circuits personnalisés vous sont offerts ici, de quoi passer de bons moments devant la console.


Version 1.03
[add] Homebrew Application to launch
[add] CTGP-R Channel
Cup/Course Organiser
Lap Count & Speed Modification
Automatic Updates
Automatic BRSAR Patching
[add] Cheat Protection
[add] 64 new tracks
[add] Character Changer
[fix] Random Selection bugs
[fix] Old track bugs
[remove] 32 outdated tracks
[remove] Riivolution support

Version 1.02
[delete] Nintendo tracks in CTWW
[add] 56 new tracks
[add] Draggable Blue Shell
[add] Wi-Fi Timer
[add] Speedometer
[add] Random Selection
[fix] Demo Videos
[fix] Multiplayer bug Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger CTGP Revolution v1.03

Posté par Attila le le 29/01/14 à 02:16:54
3371 affichages, 0 commentaires

Wiimms ISO Tools et Wiimms WBFS Tool est un ensemble d'utilitaires réalisé par Wiimm. Ils vous permet de manipuler les Images ISO de jeu Wii et les containers WBFS. Les deux utilitaires principaux sont nommés wit (Wiimms ISO Tool) et wwt (Wiimms WBFS Tool, le WBFS manager). Il s'agit de la solution la plus complète à l'heure actuelle en terme de manipulation d'ISO. Tous les formats sont supporté (de fichier comme de format de partition), il est possible de faire des transferts par lot, de réparer des partitions ou des fichiers WBFS, etc, etc...

wit v2.26a r4863 - 2014-01-22
- Bug fix: Because of a bug after implementing the auto split detection,
reading source images failed, if using stdin for parameters.

- Support for Dolphins file format GCZ (GameCube Zip):
- All commands detect and accept GCZ files as input file.
- Creating of GCZ files is also supported, but EXPERIMENTAL until final
tests have been done.
- New option --gcz force GCZ output.
- Patching of GCZ files is not possible, because the GCZ file structure
doesn't allow modifications (size of compressed data must not change).
- Composing an image to a GCZ file is not possible, because it needs
patching checksums and header after writing the complete image.
The GCZ support is very new, so please use it only with backups of your
images and don't be anger, if it destroy something.

(Image de qtwitgui) Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger WIT: Wiimms ISO & WBFS Tools v2.26a 4863

Posté par Attila le le 29/01/14 à 01:19:57
3103 affichages, 0 commentaires

De l'eau à coulé sous les ponts depuis la dernière version stable de ScummVM pour Wii. En effet, la version Wii est en 1.5.0 alors que la dernière stable pour les autres plates formes est en 1.6.0.

Mais voici la toute dernière version bêta de la future version, à savoir la 1.7.0.

Version 1.7.0 (????-??-??)
New Games:
- Added support for Return to Ringworld.
- Added support for The Neverhood.
- Added support for Mortville Manor.

- Updated Munt MT-32 emulation code to version 1.3.0.
- Switched from our custom JPEG and PNG decoders to libjpeg(-turbo) and
libpng, which are faster and can handle more images.
(NOTE: The change to libpng was done in version 1.6.0, but it was not
added to the NEWS file).

Broken Sword 1:
- Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.

Broken Sword 2:
- Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.

- Improved video quality in Urban Runner.

- Added support for the more detailed RAVE lip syncing data in the Windows
version of King's Quest 6. Portraits should now be much more expressive
when talking.
- Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions
of Laura Bow 2 and King's Quest 6 (toggled either in-game with the new
"Dual" audio state, or via the ScummVM audio options).
- Fixed music fading.
- Fixed several script bugs in Camelot, Crazy Nick's, Hoyle 3, QFG1VGA, KQ5,
KQ6, LB2, LSL2, LSL5, Pharkas, PQ1VGA, SQ4, SQ5.
- Improved the MIDI parser so that music event processing is done more

- Changed the saved game naming scheme of HE games to always contain
the target name.
- Fixed having multiple coaches in Backyard Football.

- Discworld 1 and 2 no longer crash on big-endian systems.

Version 1.6.0 (2013-05-31)
New Games:
- Added support for 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon.
- Added support for Hopkins FBI.
- Added support for Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths.
- Added support for The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime.
- Added support for the Macintosh version of Discworld 1.

- Added a new save/load chooser based on a grid of thumbnails. This is only
supported for resolutions bigger than 640x400. The old chooser is still
available and used for games without thumbnail support. It is possible to
select the old one as default too.
- Rewrote VideoDecoder subsystem.
- Added Galician translation.
- Added Finnish translation.
- Added Belarusian translation.
- Using the mouse wheel on a slider widget now changes the value by the
smallest possible amount. This is more predictable than the old behaviour,
which was to change the value by "one pixel" which would sometimes not
change it at all.
- Updated MT-32 emulation code to latest munt project snapshot.
- Added FluidSynth settings dialog, mainly for reverb and chorus settings.
- Fixed crash on certain Smacker movies.

- Improved audio support for Amiga and AtariST versions of Future Wars.
Now music fades out slowly instead of stopping immediately. Sound
effects are now properly panned, when requested by the game.

- Soltys contains a puzzle requiring the ALT key to be pressed while clicking
on an object. This puzzle has been disabled on devices not using this key.

- Resolved multiple UI issues with the original save/load screen.
- Added advanced savegame functionality, including savegame timestamps and
thumbnails and the ability to load and delete savegames from the launcher.
It's now possible to use the ScummvM save/load dialogs.
- The F7 key (previously unmapped) now always shows the ScummVM load screen.
The F10 key displays either the original save/load screen, or the ScummVM
save screen, if the user has selected to use the ScummVM save/load

- Now that the game is freeware, there is a small extra help text showing
the available commands in the in-game terminals when the player uses the
'help' command. Previously, players needed to consult the manual for the
available commands. Since this reference to the manual is a form of copy
protection, this extra line can be toggled by the ScummVM copy protection
command line option.

- Simplified the movie speed options, and added a custom option for The 7th
Guest. Movie options are now "normal" and "fast", with the latter changing
the movie speed in T7G to match the faster movie speed of the iOS version.
The game entry might need to be readded in the launcher for the new setting
to appear.

- Added music support for the Macintosh version of I Have No Mouth and, I
Must Scream.

- Implemented Monkey Island 2 Macintosh's audio driver. Now we properly
support its sample based audio output. The same output is also used for
the m68k Macintosh version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
- Improved music support for the Macintosh version of Monkey Island 1. It
now uses the original instruments, rather than approximating them with
General MIDI instruments, and should sound a lot closer to the original.
- Added sound and music support for the Macintosh version of Loom.
- Handle double-clicking in the Macintosh version of Loom.
- Major bugfixes in INSANE (the Full Throttle bike fights).

- Added support for Enhanced Music by James Woodcock

image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger ScummVM 1.7.0 git 5208-g0756893

Posté par Attila le le 25/01/14 à 00:28:20
3341 affichages, 10 commentaires
J'aurais jamais pensé voir ça mais ... Une drogue du nom de Nintendo est en service en Belgique.
Cette drogue est basée sur l'ectasy et présente le logo de Nintendo sur le côté.


Quote :
While the drug has surfaced thanks to a program in Belgium where individuals can bring their substances in for a quality spot-check, the origin has not entirely been established, though reports suggest it could originate from China.

A user reports that the pills contain "approximately 200mg of MDMA" and that within an hour of eating half a Nintendo, the effects were extremely noticeable:

* 11:15pm - my friend is literally rolling around the floor and i'm complaining that nothing is happening.

* 11:30pm - it starts to kick in for me and i start smiling and touching things, we're both feeling very euphoric and a little empathetic with each other, we realised this was going to be fun

* 12pm - both rolling hard, i'm guessing because it's our first time its real strong for us, we're rolling everywhere, staring at my lampshade and laughing for ages, saying how pretty the walls and lights are!

* 1am - from this point on everything is a bit of a blur, the other half kicked in hard and i felt on top of the world, we were both so euphoric and empathetic we spent one second dancing and the next minute cuddling saying we loved each other

The comments at corroborate the strength of Nintendo, but there's also a ton of misspelled words and typos so take those with a grain of salt.

Bien entendu, nous ne cautionnons pas l'achat de drogue. Source :

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