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Posté par orwel le le 22/12/10 à 19:26:11
1475 affichages, 9 commentaires

MPlayer CE est une modification du MPlayer par la team Twiizer de, rodries.
Cette version supporte la lecture de media sur DVD gravés, carte SD/SD, USB, SMB, DVD Video, lecture de radios.
Les petits plus sont la correction de cache DVD, correction de l'USB, chainage automatique (lecture des fichiers du dossier lors de la sélection d'un fichier) et correction de l'aspect radio.
Pour lire l'USB 2.0 et les DVD, vous devez installer le cIOS Hermes en mode 202 à partir de l'IOS60. DVDx n'est plus nécessaire.

Tutoriel pour utiliser MPlayer :

Version 0.77 bêta (rev 636)
- Mise à jour des sources vers MPlayer r32724 / FFmpeg r26068.
- Amélioration des performances et de la qualité.
- Ajout du support pour la sortie audio mono.
- Ajout du mixage Dolby Surround pour toutes les sources de canaux 4/5.1.
- Ajout d'un disc light VU meter.
- Toutes les Wiimotes synchronisée ou les contrôleurs GameCube connectés peuvent maintenant être utilisés.
- Ajout du support pour les claviers USB.
- Ajout d'un contrôle de volume analogique matériel.
- Ajout des playlists
- Ajout du support pour l'interface USB 2.0 de l'IOS58.
- Ajout de l'accès direct au lecteur DVD avec le HW_AHBPROT.
- Les clés de cryptage DVD extraites sont maintenant mise en cache sur le périphérique de stockage local.
- Le timeout de la Wiimote dépend maintenant du niveau de batterie.
- Amélioration de la précision du "resume".
- Amélioration du cadrage vidéo.
- Nouvelle initialisation VI.
- Ajout du support pour l'élément de titre pour certains formats de playlist.
- Ajout du support pour l'encodage de texte international des fichiers systèmes.
- Le cache et les informations mémoires ont été déplacées dans un nouveau niveau OSD.
- Les messages de MPlayer sont maintenant disponible via un USB Gecko.
- Suppression du contenu de la Chaîne Nintendo.
- Dépréciation des fonctions gx_zoom, hor_pos, vert_pos et horizontal_stretch.
- Correction d'un plantage lors de l'arrêt durant l'utilisation de la libdvdnav.
- Correction d'un plantage lors de l'arrêt alors qu'un sous titre DVD est affiché.
- Correction d'un plantage relatif aux textes de sous-titre.
- Correction du décodage VP6.
- Beaucoup d'autres bugs corrigés.

image Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger MPlayer CE V0.77 beta (rev639) et 0.76

Posté par orwel le le 20/12/10 à 19:05:57
1251 affichages, 0 commentaires

Titmouse est en train de développer un Shoot them up spatial : Bolt Thrower. Pour le moment, il s'agit d'une démo. Il n'y a donc pas d'objectif précis ou de mission.

L'auteur indique qu'il est en recherche d'un ou des graphiste(s) pour l'aider à améliorer ce jeu. Avis aux amateurs :;)::.

Version 0.23
- Les Ennemis sont projetés dans l'espace une fois qu'ils sont touché.
- Ajout de trainée d'explosion.
- Ajout de quelques rochers autour de la lune.
- Ajout d'un autre type d'ennemis - nécessite 3 tirs.
- Ajout de plus de sons.

(Vidéo par nintendomax) Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Bolt Thrower v0.24

Posté par orwel le le 18/12/10 à 11:06:35
5475 affichages, 0 commentaires
Wii Backup Manager est un utilitaire développé par fig2k4. Il vous permet d'ajouter des jeux sur un disque formaté en wbfs, ou de modifier les images de vos jeux pour les convertir dans un autre format. C'est une alternative intéressante à wbfs Manager, car cet utilitaire est extrêmement complet.

0.3.6 build 48
|-Added: Select the archive types you want enabled in the settings dialog.
|-Fixed: When mounting a custom folder, if there was an invalid disc, the thread terminated early so all the discs wouldn't be listed.
|-Fixed: Random (Y),(Z) etc. are trimmed from Chinese strings. I still can't remove them from the menus for some reason. I'm not sure if this even happens when using a Chinese version of Windows.
|-Fixed: Some integer overflow errors. Forced 64 bit math in a few other places too, as a precaution.
|-Fixed: I forgot to inject debug info into the exe, so the stack traces in the were useless. Now they'll show me the exact line number in my source where the error happened.
|-Fixed: DiscIndexFromID function didn't work with the file naming conventions, so duplicates were allowed to be transferred to drives. ie. "Some selected items already exist on Drive.." message was never shown.
|-Added: Links to the Wiki and GBAtemp forum in the help menu.
|-Changed: Feedback form. Now it creates a new email with your default client, using MAPI. You can still attach the log and language file.
|-Fixed: I got the Chinese languages mixed up, traditional and Simplified.
|-Fixed: Transfers from Drive->DVD weren't using thread safe progress updates.

0.3.6 build 43
|-Fixed: Directly after editing a title, the text color showed it as a WiiTDB or Custom title, even if it matched the original title.
|-Changed: "Allow changes to WBFS disc header" is disabled by default to stop accidental file changes. So only on-the-fly titles are used, changes are saved to custom-titles.txt.
|-Fixed: When custom-titles.txt was disabled, a message was still shown on single click instead of double click.
|-Fixed: titles.txt language wasn't saved correctly.
|-Fixed: The wrong titles.txt languages were downloaded in the settings dialog.

0.3.6 build 42
|-Added: You can add gamecube ISOs on the files page, but transfers are broken so they're not usable yet.
|-fixed: Loads of little things.
|-Disabled: All database stuff for now. If you want a little preview run WBM with a "testdb" parameter. Stick the WiiTDB.xml in the app folder to use it.
|-Added: Some new language files and export template for HTML.
|-Added: You can quickly send the current language file via the feedback form. Send me new/updated translations. The original author has priority when it comes to updating.
|-Added: "Update language strings" in the language menu. Automatically generate language strings and update existing files in the language folder. It adds/removes strings so that the files are ready to translate for the current version of WBM.
|-Added: Version info in the about dialog is automatically updated and now includes a build number.
|-Changed: Debug level now only applies to what you want to see in the log. The log file will always contain "Full debug" information.
|-Changed: Email adress in about dialog to [email protected], which is also used for the feedback form.
|-Added: Feedback form to report bugs etc. in Help->Feedback menu. You can also attach the current log.
|-Changed: Totally rewrote the logging system. Logs are saved to file in real time, in case of a crash the log will still be available.
|-Added: Ability to use Wii discs that have invalid entries in the partition tables. Only a bad game partition is considered to be a fatal error now.
|-fixed: UTF-8 loading/saving wasn't working since changing the app to unicode. It should work better than ever now, with all characters displayed correctly.
|-Changed: GameID_Title.txt file is created when using only the game ID as the naming style. Any other setting doesn't need it.
|-Added: Naming conventions for files, just the same as folders. So you can store all the files in one folder and rename to "Title [GameID].wbfs" etc.
|-Added: Database viewer page. Browse all know games in the WiiTDB database.
|-Added: WiiTDB.xml support. When updated, the xml is converted to a faster database structure. WiiTDB.db and WiiTDB.idx files are created.

0.3.6 beta 1
|-Fixed: CD-R info incorrect. Probably the same for CD-RW etc.
|-Fixed: A simple threading issue caused the app to crash when selecting a DVD drive.
|-Added: Loads of little error checks and interface improvements.
|-Fixed: Drive space was incorrect for unmounted FAT32/NTFS drives. Microsoft docs say a trailing backslash in the drive path is only needed with GetDiskFreeSpace() in Win95/98 = wrong.
|-Added: Options to set the locations of titles.txt and custom-titles.txt.
|-Added: Option "Target DVD write speed". When burning DVD, the closest supported speed will be used.
|-Added: Erase DVD function in the tools menu for erasable discs.
|-Added: Transfer to DVD functions using IMAPI2. Files are converted to ISO/Trimmed ISO on the fly while burning. Only single layer supported for now. IMAPI2 installation will be required on XP.
|-fixed: Game IDs loaded from selection files are trimmed of any extra whitespace.
|-Changed: "Drive" menus are now combo boxes. This is part of the fix below.
|-Fixed: When a drive is inserted and the a drive menu is dropped down, there was a "component name already exists" exception.
|-Added: Drive format dialog will offer to dismount the selected drive if it's already in use. Unless a transfer is in progress etc.
|-Added: Clicking on an entry automatically scrolls the selected column into view.
|-Changed: Double click to edit entries (instead of single click)
|-Changed: Default split size is now 4GB.
|-Changed: "Extract rar before..." option changed to "Archive Extraction" to select the sample size to extract when adding to the file list, or full extraction.
|-Added: Support for 7-Zip's split files (*.7z.001, *.zip.001 etc.)
|-Added: More archive support using 7-zip dll. (7Zip, Zip, multi-volume Rar, Bzip2)
|-Added: View menu to show/hide stuff.
|-Fixed: Incremental search now scrolls the selection into view.
|-Added: Startup options. Select a list of Folders to load on files page and Drives/Folders to mount on the drives pages.
|-Changed: Language file "settings dialog width" defaults to 400 and made the settings dialog a bit larger. lang files changed to version 36. See "US English.lang".
|-Added: Language file display name option in lang files. See "US English.lang".
|-Fixed: When hiding drives, the drives were also hidden in the settings dialog meaning that they could never be unhidden.
|-Fixed: Divide by zero error with transfers that take less than 1 second
|-Fixed: Drive formatting routines should be working as expected now.
|-Added: The app is now fully unicode enabled.


Merci yoyo34280 pour la news. Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Wii Backup Manager 0.3.6 Build 48

Posté par Snouki le le 16/12/10 à 20:46:40
2120 affichages, 5 commentaires

WiiMC (Wii Media Center) par Tantric et rodries est le successeur direct de MPlayer CE qui change de nom et de design pour nous apporter ainsi:
- La possibilité de lire virtuellement n'importe quel type vidéo ou audio (encore faut-il que la Wii soit assez puissante suivant la résolution).
- Lecture des DVD, avec le support des menus DVD.
- Visualisation d'images.
- Lecteur de musique.
- Support des médias en ligne.
- Support des SD, de l'USB 2.0, du SMB (fichiers partagés), HTTP et du FTP.
- Interface attractive basée sur libwiigui, désignée avec la Wii en "tête".

Version 1.1.1
Synced to MPlayer r32709
Fixed image stuttering and audio sync issues
Fixed pointer alignment on DVD menus
Added ISO/IFO DVD playback, with DVD menu support
Added screen resizing while watching a video via the Wiimote. Just hold down B and use the arrow keys (thanks clava!)
Performance optimizations using paired singles (thanks Extrems!)
Improved USB compatibility
Added support for playlist files in the Videos and Music areas
Enable negative subtitle delay values
Replace libmp3 with libmpg123. Fixes a number of MP3 audio bugs
Added a setting to change the starting area
New JPG scaler for the Picture Viewer (thanks puddles!)
Display artist and song on separate lines for SHOUTcast (thanks jhb50!)
Added settings for YouTube quality and caching for online media
Subtitle autoscaling
Added a delay on startup so those with slow USB drives are not bumped back to the main browser list
Shifted all GUI elements inwards to fix left/right cropping occuring on 16:9 for some people
Fixed a Picture Viewer crash
Fixed lowercase bug for NTFS
Many other minor fixes and improvements

Notez que pour le support USB 2.0 et la lecture des DVD, vous devez avoir installé l'IOS 58 et l'Homebrew Channel doit l'utiliser.

La chaine officielle est disponible ici

image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger WiiMC 1.1.1

Posté par Snouki le le 15/12/10 à 07:03:16
1503 affichages, 1 commentaires

Voici un portage pour Wii par Carl Kenner et Tantric de DOSBox qui est un émulateur DOS.
Vous pourrez donc jouer aux jeux dos en utilisant une Wiimote et un clavier USB.

Version 1.5
- Mise à jour vers le dernier DOSBox SVN.
- Amélioration de la compatibilité en usb2
- Correction de certaine touche du clavier

L'émulateur va créer un dossier DOSBox sur votre carte SD et le montera en tant que disque C:. Mettez vos jeux dans ce dossier.

Liste de compatibilité des jeux : Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger DOSBox Wii 1.5

Posté par orwel le le 14/12/10 à 18:46:49
1720 affichages, 1 commentaires

Marc nous présente son nouvel homebrew : BrawlStats.
BrawlStats est une application Wii que vous pourrez lancer après avoir joué à Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Il sauvegardera automatiquement sur votre carte SD vos résultats, et vous pourrez ensuite visualiser de nombreuses informations que le jeu ne sauvegarde pas (ou ne montre pas). Un GUI simple permet une visualisation aisée. Cela ressemble en fait à une base de données sur vos combats Brawl.

Version 1
- Utilisation du AHBPROT, plus de cIOS nécessaire (le fichier meta.xml a été mis à jour également).
- Les sessions sont maintenant enregistrées dans sd:/config/brawlstats/, vous devrez déplacer vous anciennes sessions dans le nouveau chemin.

Version RC1
- Nouvelle interface graphique utilisateur.
- Ajout du système de trophée.

image Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger BrawlStats v1

Posté par orwel le le 14/12/10 à 18:37:33
1779 affichages, 0 commentaires

insin nous présente Powder, un portage du jeu vidéo "Rogue" dans lequel le principe est que le joueur joue le rôle d’un aventurier typique des jeux de rôle « médiévaux-fantastiques » tels que Donjons et Dragons.

Rogue est un jeu vidéo datant de 1980 dans lequel le joueur explore un vaste ensemble de souterrains. Il est l’inspirateur d’un grand nombre de clones et dérivés, collectivement nommés « rogue-likes », les plus connus étant Hack, Nethack, Larn, Moria, ADOM et Angband.

Version 115-1
- The delete key should work on Macs. (Konstantin Stupnik)
- Typos in the animate forest description fixed. (Paul Nguyen, Kender)
- You can no longer petrify or stone to flesh quest items. (Lorenzo Batallones)
- Items that fall in a hole will not be revealed up on the next level's map. (Kender)
- Zapping a wand of invisibility at yourself when you are already invisible from a permament source no longer reports "You are invisible." (Kender)
- No longer falsely get system shock if a creature you possessed, but released when it was polymorphed, is finally slain. (Mental Mouse)
- The Regenerate spell now works for creatures with No Regeneration, as was intended. (Mental Mouse)
- Flesh golems can once more regenerate. (They lost this in the no-regen sweep) (Mental Mouse)
- Giant Spiders have defences better fitting their explevel. (Mental Mouse)
- The earth hammer is now made from stone as you'd expect. (Kender)
- The spell Summon Daemon now spells Daemon like the rest of POWDER. (Mental Mouse)
- Typo fixed in Golden Tridude description. (Mental Mouse)
- Clarify cave troll description. (Metnal Mouse)
- s/byte/sting/ for scorpion description. (Mental Mouse)
- Clarify butcher skill description. (Mental Mouse)
- Water elementals no longer leave corpse.
- Eaten intrinsicly poisonous corpses now has a significantly shorter timeout. (Kender)
- Attacks which deal multiple types of damage in the same hit will have damage reduction applied to each of the types, rather than only to the first type. (Mental Mouse)
- Vampire bats will no longer chase players which they aren't interested in. (Kender)
- Option to email character dumps on the iPhone to get them out of the black box.
- Searching due to intrinsics will put Searching on the status line, and multiple manual searches will report Seached x10.
- Improved the Akoi Meexx 12x12 tiles, for less ugly pixels when in landscape mode on the iPhone.
- Makefiles for Linux have $(LDFLAGS) added.
- The torches in the Lomaka tiles have been fixed to show up in the correct hand. (Martin Rittweger)
- The Wish command now includes the ability to take on a monster's form and stats, so you can play as a monster if you wish. (Robert Barber)
- On level up, the number of Piety points you have in each class is displayed beside the class name so you can better judge which class to pick. (Matthew Wyatt) Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Powder v115-1

Posté par orwel le le 14/12/10 à 18:30:24
1587 affichages, 0 commentaires

Titmouse met en ligne un Proof Of Concept de son futur jeu : High Octane. Dans un monde post-apocalyptique, vous prenez les commandes d'un engin armé pour aller combattre dans l'arène. Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger High Octane v0.01

Posté par orwel le le 12/12/10 à 11:06:25
1766 affichages, 1 commentaires

Engine 02 est un moteur de jeu multiplateformes 2D dirigé par des scripts codé par Stealth pour DOS, Windows, Linux, Intel/PPC MacOS, PSP et Wii.

La documentation est disponible pour créer les jeux sur PC et MAC.

Actuellement les jeux disponibles sont Sonic project METTRIX et Megaman Triple Thread

Version 09/12/2010
First of all, I apologize if anything turns out to be wrong with this update. I've been feeling very sick for the last couple of days, but I've wanted these things done for some time now, so I've done my best to prevent it from causing any more delay than necessary

This update begins with the new E02 version 10.12.09, which, in conjunction with a few bugfixes and a "Scanlines" render mode for Windows/Linux/Mac, features a new "Utilities" menu that is accessible from the main menu in builds that support editing. Accessible from this menu are interfaces for functionality that was previously only available by the command-line, including the "Level Ripper". The links provided in the previous sentence will explain usage for each of the utilities. Also, view the full "What's New" here

A brief look at the "Level Editor" and "Level Ripper" interfaces is available here:

This update also brings about the release of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" Game Template I had been promising. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of work involved in cleaning up and documenting my older scripts to the point that I had envisioned would have put any release off for far too long, so, I have decided to scale it back so that everyone isn't kept waiting. However, it is entirely sufficient to begin creating a "Sonic the Hedgehog" game, or to use in understanding how E02 can be used to create complex games. For more details on what exactly is in this template, you can view the ReadMe online. The template itself can be downloaded from E02's in-program downloads interface, under the section "Fangame Templates"

This video provides a glance at the Template in action, but there is more functionality to be found by playing around with it yourself, and viewing and modifying some of the Scripts:

Your patience with this issue is very much appreciated. Because this template is very much usable in its current state, it won't be seeing an update for quite some time due to the amount of remaining work, and because it does a fair job of exhibiting E02's features, I have decided to put off any "Megaman" template for a while, as it also requires a large amount of cleanup, and would also require significant additions so as to "fill it in" without using too much content from Triple Threat. This is because there are some other Organized Chaos projects that are in need of attention, including a new E02 project to be revealed at a later date. This certainly does not mean that I will be leaving E02 to collect dust, though. I will still be providing support, correcting bugs as necessary, and expanding functionality as inspiration strikes. There should also be some more basic examples of individual fields of E02 functionality cropping up eventually, so, keep a lookout for that

Finally, so far, I have received one donation, which was toward the purchase of a GP2X Wiz for E02 development. As I've stated, this money is reserved specifically for the fund it is donated to, so, please don't let this man's money rot away :P

As always- Enjoy!

Voici un exemple de jeu fait avec le moteur de jeu, des jeux basés sur Sonic et Megaman:
image image Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Engine02 09/12/2010

Posté par orwel le le 12/12/10 à 10:58:57
2267 affichages, 0 commentaires
X-Flak nous présente son utilitaire plutôt simple d'utilisation et en mode console.
En effet, il suffit de répondre à des questions simples (en anglais) comme le firmware que vous voulez installer, il téléchargera automatiquement les fichiers nécessaires et les placera dans un dossier approprié que vous n'aurez plus qu'à copier sur votre carte SD. Ensuite, vous pourrez installer les fichiers grâce à I/S Wad ou encore Pimp My Wii.

Version 4.4.2
- Priiloader is now launched using a forwarder to automatically reload IOS236 as opposed to having to use MMM to launch using IOS236
- IOS236 updated to v5 MOD to install IOS236 quicker and without prompts
- Renamed System Menu WADs to begin with an "S" instead of a "#" so they will always be bulk installed after its System Menu IOS. Existing files in "temp" will be renamed during updates.
- Updated USB Loader Forwarder Channel to v3. It can now launch apps with meta.xml arguments and also off of a Hard Drive formatted as NTFS
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.6 build43
- Fixed bug in NAND Builder where themed System Menu's were sometimes not being installed to the emulated nand.
- Fixed bug when installing SNEEK without building a NAND where it would fail if a "temp" folder did not already exist.

Version 4.4.1
- Fixed bug where *.app files for MyMenuify were not being copied to SD:\MyMenuify_themes
- Fixed bug where NANDs built without the Dark Wii Red Theme did not include a system menu at all.
- Fixed bug where configurator for configurable usb-loader was not being extracted properly. This error resulted from a change to the configurator update file hosted by the configurable team.

image Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger ModMii v4.4.2 (anciennement NUS Auto Downloader)

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